CnoEvil said:If this statement is true, then Hi-End stuff is probably on the way out as well....which is unlikely to be honest!
moon said:The other thing that makes me smile, is when I put my headphones on via my ipad for a bit of headfi and it blows away any Hifi Ive ever heard.
steve_1979 said:In many respects my Sony MP3 player and Westone earphones are on par sound quality wise with £10K+ worth of ATC active floorstanders IMO.
steve_1979 said:moon said:The other thing that makes me smile, is when I put my headphones on via my ipad for a bit of headfi and it blows away any Hifi Ive ever heard.
In many respects my Sony MP3 player and Westone earphones are on par sound quality wise with £10K+ worth of ATC active floorstanders IMO.
The other thing that makes me smile, is when I put my headphones on via my ipad for a bit of headfi and it blows away any Hifi Ive ever heard.
naughty573 said:The other thing that makes me smile, is when I put my headphones on via my ipad for a bit of headfi and it blows away any Hifi Ive ever heard.
headphones will only beat a hi-fi if you havent got the faintest clue about soundstaging and imaging - i have a good set of headphones and i still cannot get used to the in-your-head imaging aspect - and i actually find the whole headphones experience to be pathetic - so its all about what you look for in your sound - i dont only listen to the words but my hi-fi is okay and i have heard many high end setups that actually cost as much as my apartment flat and create holographic imaging thats almost lifesize (for small scale band performances - maybe not lifesize for full orchestral performances)
I suppose it also depends on the music you listen to as well - with the music i listen to headphones are the worst thing around and cannot in any way compare to a proper hi-fi in a full size room (maybe the hi-fi's you listened to were restricted by the smaller rooms you find in England - here in South Africa most people who have great Hi-fi manage to put them into rooms that are large enough to draw the best out of them hence why i feel that headphones can come absolutely nowher near the performance levels of good hi-fi besides maybe for having marginally better tonality and dynamics because of its intimate near field nature - but a performer is never standing on the top of my head or even standing face to face at one foot away during a live performance so how can a set of headphones seem realistic
I missed this module when I did my Music and Sound recording degree.
naughty573 said:The other thing that makes me smile, is when I put my headphones on via my ipad for a bit of headfi and it blows away any Hifi Ive ever heard.
headphones will only beat a hi-fi if you havent got the faintest clue about soundstaging and imaging - i have a good set of headphones and i still cannot get used to the in-your-head imaging aspect - and i actually find the whole headphones experience to be pathetic - so its all about what you look for in your sound
Headphones deliver terrific fidelity but
naughty573 said:I missed this module when I did my Music and Sound recording degree.
guy ... i could care less about your degree - your words tell me that you probably slept through the relevant lectures IMHO because headphones is the worst way to listen to your music in my opinion - as i have said the experience may have minor advantages in certain aspects but they absolutely lack in lots of aspects that i hold dear and i dont need a degree to tell me that
does it mean you need a degree to appreciate music - do you even need a degree to know about anything - i suppose next you will be telling me you need a degree to enjoy sex too .... well i truly think you can put that degree where the sun dont shine for all i care about it, because it isnt relevant to how pathetic IMHO headphones really are in the context of Hi fidelity audio listening
naughty573 said:The other thing that makes me smile, is when I put my headphones on via my ipad for a bit of headfi and it blows away any Hifi Ive ever heard.
headphones will only beat a hi-fi if you havent got the faintest clue about soundstaging and imaging - i have a good set of headphones and i still cannot get used to the in-your-head imaging aspect - and i actually find the whole headphones experience to be pathetic - so its all about what you look for in your sound - i dont only listen to the words but my hi-fi is okay and i have heard many high end setups that actually cost as much as my apartment flat and create holographic imaging thats almost lifesize (for small scale band performances - maybe not lifesize for full orchestral performances)
I suppose it also depends on the music you listen to as well - with the music i listen to headphones are the worst thing around and cannot in any way compare to a proper hi-fi in a full size room (maybe the hi-fi's you listened to were restricted by the smaller rooms you find in England - here in South Africa most people who have great Hi-fi manage to put them into rooms that are large enough to draw the best out of them hence why i feel that headphones can come absolutely nowher near the performance levels of good hi-fi besides maybe for having marginally better tonality and dynamics because of its intimate near field nature - but a performer is never standing on the top of my head or even standing face to face at one foot away during a live performance so how can a set of headphones seem realistic
Electro said:I only use headphones when on the move
naughty573 said:Headphones deliver terrific fidelity but
high fidelity (hi-fi for short) is defined as (according to websters) - the reproduction of an effect (as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original
. . .sure it may be marginally better tonally or it may be marginally more dynamic
shooter69 said:Whats wrong with headphones :roll:
moon said:shooter69 said:Whats wrong with headphones :roll:
I dunno, I now regret talking about Hifi, headphones ........ Degrees or anything in particular. I like coming to the forum to discuss a subject that I have had a great interest in. Its just such a real shame that people have to be 1. so agressive and 2, Troll to get a rise and annoy people.
what a joy you are!
You obviously did not do a degree in diplomacy
but I have to agree that IMO there is not a pair of headphones made that can compare to a good Hifi system with full range speakers in a room with good acoustics
Gosh, I should really do that instead of taking my speakers on the train
naughty573 said:Headphones deliver terrific fidelity but
let us analyze this statement here
naughty573 said:high fidelity (hi-fi for short) is defined as (according to websters) - the reproduction of an effect (as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original
naughty573 said:link for you in case you cannot find it
naughty573 said:so how does a tiny man sitting on top of ones head relate to a sense of high fidelity - in fact listening to headphones is so narrow and small that it never can be likened or related to hearing the "real" thing
naughty573 said:sure it may be marginally better tonally or it may be marginally more dynamic but a guitar is not a 2 inch square sized instrument - so in fact a pair of headphones is a failure TO ME in relation to the definition of high fidelity itself
naughty573 said:and pardon me if i fail to wax lyrical or seem to have a lack of respect for modern sound engineers who to me are the people who are responsible for the direction that modern recordings are taking ie does the term "loudness wars" ring any bells - yes .... i admit that there probably are good sound engineers out there that actually may be worth more than the paper their degree is printed on but they wont really be butchering recordings by catering toward the "ipod generation" with their in-ear headphones who only care how loud things are and not whether a recording actually sounds real or not
Electro said:I only use headphones when on the move and I am always very careful with the volume level because it is very easy to damage your hearing without realizing it which is another reason I don't like headphones much , especially in ear ones 😉