What's the point in living if you can't spend large amounts of cash on things you love. But I know what you mean.And they won't won't drain your bank account.
What's the point in living if you can't spend large amounts of cash on things you love. But I know what you mean.And they won't won't drain your bank account.
What's the point in living if you can't spend large amounts of cash on things you love. But I know what you mean.
I'd agree about the Arro, they now come with a plinth stabilizer which is a little wider and makes them a bit more stable.I suppose that's true. I'm just a natural skinflint.
Back to the Totems. Don't worry about them only getting 4 stars, but that was a long time ago. As they are the only model IIRC from that period still in production - that speaks volumes. And no doubt they have been tweaked over the last decade.
They don't just image well, they are fantastically cohesive and wonderful detail. I wouldn't recommend them if you have a large slobbering dog or young children as they can be pushed over quite easily, hence why I didn't buy them. My daughter at the time was young and whizzing around and the thought of her knocking over the speakers filled me with dread.
I don't have any children to worry about. But the Totems sound wonderful, cohesive and detailed.
The Emit M30's has a sound that I admire, some sounds come through incredibly well. On a another level. Anyway it will be me that knocks them over with my schizoaffective disorder which means I have an awesome life. Not saying you don't a wonderful life PP.
An interesting list to which I would add the Acoustic Energy AE509I seem to remember John Duncan of this Parish years ago heard a Rega MIRA3 (IIRC) with 5k speakers, and he said it was a revelation. I'll stand corrected if I've got this wrong.
The speakers I would short list for your amp:
Dali Opticon 8
Totem Arros (obv)
Newer Monitor Audio Silver or Gold.
If you don't mind large standmouted monitors, Harbeth C7 are well worth a listen.
Those look like tasty speakers, glorious....Acoustic Energy AE509
They sound excellent in a medium to large roomThose look like tasty speakers, glorious.
Ouch!I talked to Audio T about the Evoke 50 and they recommended to get the bass controlled, an amplifier in the region of 8 to 10K.
Okay. If it was me I would forget a conditioner. No idea what speakers you have but I would definitely demo Totem Arros.
I actually demod the K2 with the Leema Pulse, and obviously preferred the latter.
IMO the Totem Arros are fantastic speakers for anything below £2k. They image like no other unless you spend silly money.
I just feel the flagship Dyns you mentioned will be an overkill.
Been recommending Totems for years on here yet everyone seems to avoid the. Make the effort to demo a pair with your amp and then you can say either I'm a plank or a marvel.
Tonally the Totems will match great with the Roksan. And they won't won't drain your bank account.
I talked to Audio T about the Evoke 50 and they recommended to get the bass controlled, an amplifier in the region of 8 to 10K.
tend to be hard to drive. Ive tried hawks, forrests and kin play and the kin plays were a bit bright. But the better speakers are a still not the package of pmc’s with integration and bass dynamics. The new twenty5i range is a speaker I’ve just tried and it’s incredible.
I'd agree, any amplifier with a high current delivery should be sufficient as they aren't exactly the most difficult of speakers to drive, they certainly aren't Apogee Scintillas..... 🙂Sorry, Dom, that's just sales people talking a load of tosh. I would quite happily use a Leema Tucana with the flagship Dyns. Or perhaps a Accuphase or Luxman, which are all below 8k figure they mentioned.
Audio T thinks the Dyn's Evoke 30 are a lot easier to drive. They know what there talking about. However, what they said seems wrong to me.
Yeah, but they know my budget. I want to spend no more than a 1K on some sort of upgrade. Maybe a Roksan K3 amplifier, 2nd hand.
You are swapping out one perfectly good amplifier for one that's a few dbs more powerful, but it isn't going to change the sound much.Hi Dom. I'm confused. First off you were willing to spend 5k on the Dynaudio Evoke speakers or perhaps £800-odd pounds on a mains conditioner.
Now you don't want to spend no more than 1k on a replacement amp. So are you looking for something better or different? IMHO there won't be a lot of difference between your K2 and the K3.
If you are willing to 'up' your budget I would keep your speakers and go for this amp. It'll blow away any Roksan Kandy and Caspian, and you won't feel the need to upgrade for an awful long time. Then save your pennies and buy the Evokes.
For £1800 I reckon you'll secure this beauty. It is one cracking amp. I know because I owned one. And it'll tonally match the Dyns of any budget well.
This is not a sideways step but one heck of an upgrade. And it comes with a 14 days returns policy.
It's a win win... option.