New amp is all set up so i started with one side of Traams - Grin, wanted some crackle free that i know very well to asses any changes. Didn't highlight much but i'm pretty sure i noticed a tambourine i'd never recognised before and vocals sounded sighlty clearer at least on the songs where they're not drowned in fuzz. If you don't know them they're well worth checking out, for fans of Wire.
Moved onto Neneh Cherry - Blank Project a 1st listen on vinyl but the CD has been on heavy rotation at work for the past week. It's just magnificent, the fella from Four Tet was the perfect choice for producer. The almost naked vocal and percussion fits perfectly with the electronic element and the difference between the vinyl and cd sounds massive to me, so clear and well defined. Though i'm not a fan of getting up to flip it every 2 songs.