What Hifi Review - BDP-LX53??????


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Aug 10, 2019
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guys, have i missed a review for it? released in july of last year but nothing i can find. you dropping the ball? does anyone own one? found a good price and want to upgrade from an old Sony BDP-550 and use the PQLS thingy.


With regards to the PQLS thingy...........have a look at my post on the Panasonic TXP50VT20B.

On the LX83 the Pqls knocks the Hdmi settings out which affects the Sky handshake. Fine if you only use Freesat built into your TV but maybe not Sky!


I have the LX52 which is perfect for my use. The PQLS connectivity is solely for music playback. So if it will only work when your playing music CD's via the bluray player.

I tested the BDP LX52 back to back with the LX53 and found the 52 had the edge. You can still pick up a 52 for around £199.99.

Hope this helps.


thanks, i do have Sky+ HD so that is a bit of a worry.

LX-53 is £200 on superfi and can only find the LX-52 for £250 at sevenoaks. strange that the new one is cheaper but i think that could be down to the lack of what hifi review. you will always see 5* ones holding their prices well and people often just buy based solely on the review. i have heard that the PQLS stuff was developed purely with CD and blue ray music in mind rather than film. do want to system match i think. the app is cool.

as always will have to test. still tempted by the daddy sony cos of the wireless.


i managed to get my bdp lx52 for £199 from sevenoaks. From what i can say the BDP LX52 was the last machine made by Pioneer. The new players are made by Pioneer/Sharp with the merge which took place.

I would say the sytem match is great between the player and AMP. I wasn't too concerned about all the add on frills as i have a playstation for that. My goal was to get the best picture & sound i could and the Pioneer ceratinly does just that.


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