hi all
my own take on this is as follows. I know nothing about the OP's speakers, but I own an alpha 8p and 8r combo, playing through acoustic energy ae109's. Playing past 11 o'clock would upset my neighbours neighbours neighbours. Although I do sometimes. I experience no loss of quality until after 12 o'clock which is so loud as to be ear damaging anyway.
I would rather suspect that the OP's amps would benefit from servicing and that he should borrow some other speakers and/or cables to rule out them as the cause before spending more money My brother had his alpha 7 amp service for £20 (!) after the volume control got a bit crackly and a line input became a bit unreliable and it is now good as new according to him.
When new I personally feel the 8r and 8p combo bettered the a400, but I love the smooth arcam sound and at mega volumes with some types of music maybe something else might be more suitable, but unless you live on a remote farm (and are profoundly deaf) then do you really need those levels?
Also if you need more power then if I remember rightly the setup could have a third 8p attached, although I don't know if this reduces the 8r to preamp or whether it introduces extra power to the system? Either way it may be a very economical upgrade...
Keep an open mind before buying old untested kit which would probably not improve upon your current setup if it is working properly.
cheers, Ant
my own take on this is as follows. I know nothing about the OP's speakers, but I own an alpha 8p and 8r combo, playing through acoustic energy ae109's. Playing past 11 o'clock would upset my neighbours neighbours neighbours. Although I do sometimes. I experience no loss of quality until after 12 o'clock which is so loud as to be ear damaging anyway.
I would rather suspect that the OP's amps would benefit from servicing and that he should borrow some other speakers and/or cables to rule out them as the cause before spending more money My brother had his alpha 7 amp service for £20 (!) after the volume control got a bit crackly and a line input became a bit unreliable and it is now good as new according to him.
When new I personally feel the 8r and 8p combo bettered the a400, but I love the smooth arcam sound and at mega volumes with some types of music maybe something else might be more suitable, but unless you live on a remote farm (and are profoundly deaf) then do you really need those levels?
Also if you need more power then if I remember rightly the setup could have a third 8p attached, although I don't know if this reduces the 8r to preamp or whether it introduces extra power to the system? Either way it may be a very economical upgrade...
Keep an open mind before buying old untested kit which would probably not improve upon your current setup if it is working properly.
cheers, Ant