So seems a few years later an the debate is still the same
To be honest I was always a bit septic I mean why is a cable of 1000€/M better than the one of 100€/M
I mean 100€/M its already madness don't you think? Then came the day I went to the shop whit a friend who was considering 8K Sonus Faber book shelfs don't recall the model
But at first I didn't really enjoyed the sound my impression was flat, life less an muffled... than the dealer switched the speaker cable to Linn
An hey there was the spark
My first question was how can a cable make so much difference....
Than came the day I sold my B&W 683 (Beautiful sounding speaker an a good match with my AMS35I)
Because I god a nice deal on my Avalon's
Than I was thinkingI should at least test some cables
My dealer an I agree he very well know what he is doing... he said you know what take that box an test as long as you need bring back what you eliminate but at least try each cable for a week to have a good opinion.
The box was heavy as hell inside:
I'm not going to talk about theme all it was to long ago...
But I tell you one thing every cable works. are the the same or sound the same never I mean a Siltech for example has a silver alliance how can it possibly sound the same as a coper one...
Beside that it's subjective, what do you like what make your feet tapping an do you enjoy the most an are you willing to spill the money for that feeling? Thats totally up to you an where you draw the line for your self
nobody can be the judge of that
People might think it's crazy but but in that optic there will always be crazier aswel as people ho will deffend that same choice
For me per example I loved the Siltech crispy an lively sound but I noticed at the end of the day I had to turn the volume down my ears got tiered. (Kimber for example was to attacking in my systemAn Shunyata to soft an loomy)
The transparent where the closes to the Siltech but take that little tiering edge of that make you want to keep listening at the end of the day for a few more tracks
So don't tell me cable sound the same, it's far from true
That you gat the feeling you are looking for an happy with a freeby, or are willing to break the bank or something in between its totally your choice.
An FYI I've gone to the same proces with RCA's
I mean took me 3Y to build an didn't change anything for 4 years an only know I'm looking for some changes
But not the big ones AMP /speakers /phonostage an syncro/ TT will stayas well as speaker cable an RCA
Just know I started to enjoy my music collection again an like to share my experience an maybe it helps some one well that would be great
You might agree or not