I Like others i suspect have my own thoughts, at the end of the day HDMI opinions will never go away people will say there is a difference and others wont, i have had QED-HDMI-P for a long time few years now cost a tenner each, and i am happy with what i have, i personally would not go out and spend 200quid for an HDMI because i dont think there would be 190qiuds worth of improvement, not on short runs anyway, the QED was on offer at the time so got a good deal, but had they been 30-pounds i would have still paid that amount, Why because they are well made and i like QED cables, others like Chord,monster etc, others will buy based on reviews and not just this site or mag, who am i to say that reviews of HDMI cables are not true or even biased as some have stated, if a review of a cable costing 80 100 150+ and had got excellent feed back i would not rush out and buy it because that is my choice, but i do like to read reviews on any cable for that matter, and WHFSAV or any other mag/site say a cable is good thats fine by me. I have bought speaker/interconnects based on reviews from WHSAV
i am sure that others will have opinions or even question my thoughts, :twisted:but that is ok this is what makes good reading on forums, and i have to say it is entertaining.
As for the HDMI the facts report i thought it was an interesting read, the bottom line i think IMO is HDMI will never go away in terms of do they make a difference, which is good i think. Isnt it.... :?
Any way i am off down to my bunker now to take shelter... 😉