Black Ravioli has always been a very divisive product and this thread is typical of all of the others I have seen on various hifi forums.
What I mean by that is, 8 out of 10 posts are either jokes about the product, à la the funny microwave idea above (could it make my lasagne tastier?), or people saying it cannot work and is a rediculous concept. And without fail, these 8 out of 10 posts come from people who havent tried the product.
In all of these threads, the feedback from people who have either demoed or bought these black ravioli has been on the whole very positive.
Living abroad as I do where in a country with no black ravioli distribtors, I decided to take a punt and order 8 pads for my cdp and pre amp. According to who I bought them from, they were already "burnt in" by being compressed for a few days under a heavy weight of some kind.
Upon arrival, I put them into my system and found what I feel to be a basically immediate pleasant broadening of what my system was already capable of (cyrus cd8se+ CDP, Cyrus preXpd Qx pre amp, Cyrus Mono X200s into B&W CM9s via Cardas clear light interconnects and speaker cables).
So much so that I swapped them out and in a few times to compare, and since then (3 months ago approx) they have remained in situ. I was pleased enough to then buy another 8 pads to sit under my power amps.
For me, I found them an upgrade and I found my expectations exceeded. Yes, it is a lot of money for some pads but still constitutes a relatively small outlay compared to my system as a whole. Black ravioli pads are one of three upgrades I felt made a difference. The second was to add a power conditioner for my hifi (Running Springs Elgar) and the third was to add isolation feet to my speakers to decouple them from my suspended wooden floor (CRTech isolation pads).
I cannot say exactly why, but in the last few months I have perceived a gradual but sustained improvement from my system. It could be due to any number of factors, but I genuinely feel it is there, and long may it continue!
From what I write, sure it might come across to a lot of you... another guy with more money than sense, spending his way into believing he is improving his system. May be so, but I try to be careful with any upgrades i make, doing several evenings or even weeks of testing in some cases.
I say, taking care to give your system all the chances it can have to sound good is not foolhardy, it is common sense. Of course, when you can demo products before parting with your hard earned cash, even better. For the conditioner and speaker pads, I could and did do this. And with the conditioner and speaker pads, I can sort of more easily see a rationale why they might make a difference in my system. With BR, this is admittedly a bit harder... but, my view is, they just work somehow and I do not need to question that too deeply if I can hear it myself.
I would just suggest that a few more of you here try to demo some in your system and then post your views.