I took a little break there to watch a movie, and can't believe some of the nonsense that has been typed, honestly guys, this product is a blatant ripoff and [EDITED BY MODS - house rules]
As Steve said, maybe, just maybe they could help to minimise vibration in some componants with moving parts, not that this should mean any improvments in sound quality would result, but to suggest as Iceman has, that they help most every componant he has to sound better?
This is seriously silly guys, and I don't know how anybody that thinks this magic rubber actually does something can expect to be taken seriously.
Furthermore, whether or not a person owns active speakers is irrelevent, you like what you like, and Cno, the game as you put it, is suggesting that people should try a product before commenting on it, it's that advice, or game, that is the get out of jail card that's always played when somebody is asked to explain how a ridiculous product like this actually does anything.
Which is what I asked in my opening post, and that nobody who believes in the product has answered. They can't answer because there is no answer, even if you've heard it.