Infiniteloop said:
How about the Devialet 400/800 monoblocks?
It's a thought, but a 200 Slave (or 'Companion' as it's now called) would cost me another £6K, whereas the Magtech is 'only' £3.5K.
Anyway, this is a special case. Martin Logans make extreme demands of amps, as their impedance drops to below 1 ohm at 20kHz. In addition, ESLs are capacitors, not resistors, so they don't necessarily thrive on more watts. As Roger Sanders put it, feeding an ESL lots of watts is like giving a glass of water to a vampire. What ESLs need is voltage.
Most solid state amps, even quite powerful ones, can't cope with ESLs, and the result is distortion at high frequencies. I find the Devialet drives my Martin Logans very well, but I want to find out whether an amp specifically designed for ESLs (like the Magtech) might sound even better.
Watch this space.
Whatever happens, I'm going to keep the Devialet. I have a pair of Sonus faber Cremona Auditor Ms, which I was using before the MLs arrived. They're lovely on the end of a Devialet. I'm just waiting to get them out of storage (we moved house in October) and try them with SAM. Should be nice.