I've been carpet-bombing UK dealers recently, just to see what they suggest in the way of speakers to go with my Dev. I've found it helpful to send them a list of what I've heard with the briefest of notes on my view of each model. I thought you might find the list interesting. The asterisks mean that I heard the speakers with a Devialet.
Audiovector Si3 Avantgarde Arreté — clean, dynamic, spacious sound.*
Audiovector Si3 Avantgarde — same as above, perhaps less persuasive bass.*
B&W 804D — top end too brittle; impressive but unsubtle.*
Dali Epicon 6 — dynamic, rhythmic, spacious, dramatic.*
Focal 1038be — weird: very fast and spacious but boxy.
Harbeth Monitor 30.1 — very natural.*
Harbeth Super HL5 — magical and spacious.*
KEF Reference 203/2 — correct but a bit lean with vocals.
KEF R900 — OK: warm, a bit too round.
Kudos Super 20 — nicely fast and true.
Marshall Choong FS-1 — fast and very vivid, but a bit boxy.*
Marshall Choong CM-3 — brilliant imaging, but a bit closed in.*
Neat Ultimatum XLS — big sound, not refined.
Paradigm Signature S6 — lovely bottom end, but scratchy and mucky treble.*
PMC Fact 8 — very fast, bass a bit dislocated.*
PMC twenty.23 — exciting but treble a bit brittle.
Proac D30R — lovely golden sound, but not really accurate.*
Sonus faber Cremona Auditor M — ravishingly sweet, fast and tonally true.*
Sonus faber Cremona M — less coherent than the Auditors.*
Sonus faber Olympica I — amazing precision, just a bit too bright: maybe not run in fully?.*
Sonus faber Olympica II — utterly wonderful: natural, sweet, spacious.*
Sonus faber Venere 2.5 — warm and easy to live with, but a bit dark.*
Spendor D7 — horrid; must have been something wrong with this pair.*
Vivid V1.5 — astonishingly fast and dramatic; brilliantly articulate.*
Wilson-Benesch Vertex — great imaging, but slightly sterile.*