Frank Harvey
Well-known member
Looking forward to having a play with one of these tomorrow - I've been intrigued by the Devialet for quite some time...
David@FrankHarvey said:Looking forward to having a play with one of these tomorrow - I've been intrigued by the Devialet for quite some time...
matt49 said:David@FrankHarvey said:Looking forward to having a play with one of these tomorrow - I've been intrigued by the Devialet for quite some time...
David, are you thinking of taking them on?
matt49 said:Thanks for the report, Doc.
The Adamantes are certainly lovely to look at: a bigger and more sculpted version of the SF Electa Amator? They sound promising and they're not outrageously expensive, though as you say not suitable for your space.
A shame about the Gurus.
It may be, as you say, that the room acoustics weren't right. But it may be that the problem is the relatively small LF drivers (especially in the Gurus). If you ask a 4" driver to cover such a wide range, you're bound to get break-up. Maybe worth considering some three-way speakers? Or perhaps the Vivids will work for you.
Macspur said:Thanks for the latest installment Doc... I tried some floor standing AV's a couple of years ago, sorry model escapes me. They were quite good, but nothing outstanding.
DocG said:Macspur said:Thanks for the latest installment Doc... I tried some floor standing AV's a couple of years ago, sorry model escapes me. They were quite good, but nothing outstanding.
Hi Mac,
Well, there is quite some variation in the Audiovector range, with a K and a V series, and the different models within each range (Super, Signature, Avantgarde, Arrete), with upgrades in drivers, cross-overs and what have you; everything but the cabinet actually. Though some of these upgrades are debatable (cryogenic treatment anyone?), I think the ribbon tweeter in the Avantgarde model does a marvelous job.
If you can't be bothered with testing anymore, and just want to listen to as much music as possible, something is very right! It could all be a synergy thing with the Devialet too, of course!
matt49 said:Cheers, Doc.
I've heard good things about the Audiovectors, and your report is a very strong recommendation. I just hope I'm going to get to hear the Avantgarde models with the ribbon (?) tweeters. I like the idea of the separate HF and LF ports and the fact that the boxes have curved sides. How did the bass feel? Do you think they'd work in your (if you'll forgive me) somewhat compromised space?
DocG said:While listening, I moved the speakers around a bit, and getting them further into the room surely payed dividends. It was not so much of a bass issue, more of a 'hardening' of the sound, with less 'air' when closer to the wall. Moving them from 20 to 30 cm away from the wall (which would probably still be feasible for me) lead to a marked improvement. Obviously, I'm gonna try them at home if/when we ever move house.
I have a hunch that a diffusor behind the speakers would help too. I'll check that with an expert tomorrow.
matt49 said:DocG said:While listening, I moved the speakers around a bit, and getting them further into the room surely payed dividends. It was not so much of a bass issue, more of a 'hardening' of the sound, with less 'air' when closer to the wall. Moving them from 20 to 30 cm away from the wall (which would probably still be feasible for me) lead to a marked improvement. Obviously, I'm gonna try them at home if/when we ever move house.
I have a hunch that a diffusor behind the speakers would help too. I'll check that with an expert tomorrow.
That sounds excellent all round.
I guess the improvement in sharpness when the speakers are moved out from the wall is to be expected. Having 'normal' speakers close to a rear (or side) wall is always going to confuse the sound, and with rear-ported speakers the effect will presumably be more noticeable. I now have GIK bass trap panels behind my speakers, which helps with both the bass and overall crispness. These may be a bit big for your situation, and diffusors may be the way to go.
You're sounding a bit doubtful about the new house. I hope that sorts itself out.
DocG said:You had plans on moving house too, recently. So what happened? Found something? Or did you call it off?
DocG said:Sorry to hear that, Matt. But at least all is clear: you quaffed the bitter cup, and life goes on...
As for us: I feel like we are treading water for over two-and-a-half years. One of the contractors keeps refusing to fulfil his promises. Instead of 15 days, it's taken him nearly three years and counting. Last year we saw no other option than suing him, but things look even worse since: he now has a lawyer to help him impede and oppose.
Well, at least I have my happy place, here on the forum! 🙂 I think my wife should have something similar... :?
Doc, you could always get her to sign up for Macs Music!
Macspur said:DocG said:Sorry to hear that, Matt. But at least all is clear: you quaffed the bitter cup, and life goes on...
As for us: I feel like we are treading water for over two-and-a-half years. One of the contractors keeps refusing to fulfil his promises. Instead of 15 days, it's taken him nearly three years and counting. Last year we saw no other option than suing him, but things look even worse since: he now has a lawyer to help him impede and oppose.
Well, at least I have my happy place, here on the forum! 🙂 I think my wife should have something similar... :?
Doc, you could always get her to sign up for Macs Music!
DocG said:As for us: I feel like we are treading water for over two-and-a-half years. One of the contractors keeps refusing to fulfil his promises. Instead of 15 days, it's taken him nearly three years and counting. Last year we saw no other option than suing him, but things look even worse since: he now has a lawyer to help him impede and oppose.
Well, at least I have my happy place, here on the forum! 🙂 I think my wife should have something similar... :?
matt49 said:DocG said:As for us: I feel like we are treading water for over two-and-a-half years. One of the contractors keeps refusing to fulfil his promises. Instead of 15 days, it's taken him nearly three years and counting. Last year we saw no other option than suing him, but things look even worse since: he now has a lawyer to help him impede and oppose.
Well, at least I have my happy place, here on the forum! 🙂 I think my wife should have something similar... :?
Argh, that sounds like a real trial (apologies for the pun). I shudder to think how frustrating it must be. And lawyers too! :read:
At least in the meantime you have great sounds from your Devialet. Have you thought of getting a nice pair of second-hand speakers which would tide you over and which you could sell on at minimal loss? I've had a lot of fun working on a modest second-hand system for our holiday cottage.
DocG said:While listening, I moved the speakers around a bit, and getting them further into the room surely payed dividends. It was not so much of a bass issue, more of a 'hardening' of the sound, with less 'air' when closer to the wall. Moving them from 20 to 30 cm away from the wall (which would probably still be feasible for me) lead to a marked improvement. Obviously, I'm gonna try them at home if/when we ever move house.
I have a hunch that a diffusor behind the speakers would help too. I'll check that with an expert tomorrow.