Speaker cable

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Gerrardasnails:maxflinn:just been reading this trying to spot the "alledged" schoolboy , its not rik , its not trs , its not chebby , i cant see anything that anyone has said that would make them seem like a jealous schoolboy to be honest gerrald

I never said TRS wasn't one! Of course he is. Sonofason and Frank Barlow complete the trio!

What's your issues with me Gerrard? Ditch the snarkfest and just tell me? You disagree with my view? Be decent about it, don't go down the snidey route - your choice and all that. I thought you were better than all this, but recent posts suggest otherwise.
the record spot:Gerrardasnails:maxflinn:just been reading this trying to spot the "alledged" schoolboy , its not rik , its not trs , its not chebby , i cant see anything that anyone has said that would make them seem like a jealous schoolboy to be honest gerrald

I never said TRS wasn't one! Of course he is. Sonofason and Frank Barlow complete the trio!

What's your issues with me Gerrard? Ditch the snarkfest and just tell me? You disagree with my view? Be decent about it, don't go down the snidey route - your choice and all that. I thought you were better than all this, but recent posts suggest otherwise.

I'm not being snider. I just think that you should keep suggestions of budget kit to the people that are looking for such. It's obvious to the regulars that Joel is not one.

Also, I find it tiring that you only suggest 2nd hand gear as if there are no decent new stuff on the market. Other than that, I don't gave a problem with you.
C'mon guys, chill.

Agree to disagree and leave Joel to get on with it, and youselves to enjoy a pleasant Bank Holiday.
Snarkfest - what a superb word! There was me thinking I'd just wasted 2mins of my life reading this thread and RS comes in with that cracker! I need to find a way to use that, superb...
I think to moderate...

I am a cable believer (some are better than others, some are good value even if they have a high price, some aren't, in my experience) so it's probably best to leave it there and if anyone has any suggestions as to premium cables that they've been impressed with, then let me know. There's little point in suggesting an SHB, a Gotham, XXstrand, or Jean Claude as it's not what I'm interested in. I know some people are and that is their prerogative and I personally have no problem with that. Everyone is an individual and in entitled to their own opinion (it's pretty obvious my taste in sofas isn't everyone's cup of tea, or in fact anyone else's for that matter). Having said all that I set my stall out a long time ago, Gerrard is right about that.
Gerrardasnails:...keep suggestions of budget kit to the people that are looking for such. It's obvious to the regulars that Joel is not one.

Must be some way we can keep the 'Hoi-polloi' from polluting this place.

(Oops, I think am suggesting looking for ways to bar myself.)
Where would you set the bar Gerrard? ("Anyone with a system less than £xxxx cannot get on this ride.")
Gerrardasnails:...keep suggestions of budget kit to the people that are looking for such. It's obvious to the regulars that Joel is not one.

Must be some way we can keep the 'Hoi-polloi' from polluting this place.

(Oops, I think am suggesting looking for ways to bar myself.)

Where would you set the bar Gerrard? ("Anyone with a system less than £xxxx cannot get on this ride.")

I really don't think that is what he is saying Chebby, it's more about matching the suggestions to the person who is asking.
I don't think Gerrard means that if you're system didn't cost much you shouldn't post.

You wouldn't recommend a motorbike to someone looking for a car. Joel buys expensive cables. He has no interest in cheap cabling. Its a waste of time trying to persuade him to buy cheap. I don't see why there should be a problem with that.
Let me double check this...I think I was one of the first to mention the Leema Pulse on here when the price dropped, see also the Harman Kardon HK990, also the 980 amps. Add to that the HD980 and 990 CD players from the same company. I frequently namedrop Audiolab kit, the recent Cambridge 650 amp/CDP and Blu-Ray universal player would be on my shortlist in no time, likewise Exposure, Native Instruments (their Kontrol 1 unit), Yamaha's recent integrated amps plus some of their active range, Genelec, Eastern Electric's gear, some NAD, Marantz, Mission (their new MX as opposed to the 75 range), Acoustic Energy's AE22 Actives I mention so often I'm a dealer all bar the stockholding. And the rest. All new.

And yes, I'll readily mention used kit - sorry that's a tough one for you to take - but if someone is on a limited budget, then it's often a useful tip and ask anyone who's bought some ex-dem kit or stuff of Gumtree, Ebay or the like. There's also the rationale that it's often helpful to give people alternatives from B&W, NAD, Cyrus, etc., etc., just for awareness' sake.

And yes, my rubbish old pile of 1977 Sansui amp junk will readily kick the pants of plenty of amps out there. I spent £200 on it in January, after I'd wised up on the brand and that range in particular. To be frank, I'd have dropped £500 on the 717 and it'd still be cheap. So shoot me. That YOU don't get it isn't my problem and that you don't like it is just the stuff of life you need to deal with.

As for what people are looking for, given we're talking about cable, that's a squabble that even high end manufacturers dispute (witness Leema and McIntosh's take, we can assume AVI fall into line with McIntosh), so my suggestion wasn't entirely tongue in cheek although that came into it.
the thread is titled .. speaker cable ..

and joels question was .. Just need a 2.5m pair, what do you reckon?

perhaps this would have been more apt ??

hi guys , im looking for new speaker cable , now knowing me as you do , im looking at more high end cable , not that theres anything wrong with the cheaper stuff , but ive tried most of that , and am of the opinion that the higher grade stuff tends to be better .

so , having recently spent a few grand on my tacuna ll , id like to get some suggestions for some tasty high grade cable that will allow my system to perform at its best .. cheers ..
the thread is titled .. speaker cable ..

and joels question was .. Just need a 2.5m pair, what do you reckon?

perhaps this would have been more apt ??

hi guys , im looking for new speaker cable , now knowing me as you do , im looking at more high end cable , not that theres anything wrong with the cheaper stuff , but ive tried most of that , and am of the opinion that the higher grade stuff tends to be better .

so , having recently spent a few grand on my tacuna ll , id like to get some suggestions for some tasty high grade cable that will allow my system to perform at its best .. cheers ..

You're probably right Max.

Just on another note Leema do use Nordost cabling in the Tucana's speaker output stages so I'm told.
the thread is titled .. speaker cable ..

and joels question was .. Just need a 2.5m pair, what do you reckon?

perhaps this would have been more apt ??

hi guys , im looking for new speaker cable , now knowing me as you do , im looking at more high end cable , not that theres anything wrong with the cheaper stuff , but ive tried most of that , and am of the opinion that the higher grade stuff tends to be better .

so , having recently spent a few grand on my tacuna ll , id like to get some suggestions for some tasty high grade cable that will allow my system to perform at its best .. cheers ..

The most sensible comment made all afternoon.
igglebert:Snarkfest - what a superb word! There was me thinking I'd just wasted 2mins of my life reading this thread and RS comes in with that cracker! I need to find a way to use that, superb...

I'm right there with you on that one!
I wonder if we can make a case for inclusion in the OED? Perhaps it's already in? Must go check...

the thread is titled .. speaker cable ..

and joels question was .. Just need a 2.5m pair, what do you reckon?

perhaps this would have been more apt ??

hi guys , im looking for new speaker cable , now knowing me as you do , im looking at more high end cable , not that theres anything wrong with the cheaper stuff , but ive tried most of that , and am of the opinion that the higher grade stuff tends to be better .

so , having recently spent a few grand on my tacuna ll , id like to get some suggestions for some tasty high grade cable that will allow my system to perform at its best .. cheers ..

The most sensible comment made all afternoon.


Everyone is an individual and in entitled to their own opinion (it's pretty obvious my taste in sofas isn't everyone's cup of tea, or in fact anyone else's for that matter).

In fact, I just showed my OH a picture of the sofa. OK, so she wanted it for free (inc delivery) but she thought it would be fine in our Victorian house, although that is assuming we put some work into making the living room more presentable and styled accordingly.
Mind you, I swear she blanched when I told her the price! Anyway, they're sure to have a sale...
Everyone is an individual and in entitled to their own opinion (it's pretty obvious my taste in sofas isn't everyone's cup of tea, or in fact anyone else's for that matter).

In fact, I just showed my OH a picture of the sofa. OK, so she wanted it for free (inc delivery) but she thought it would be fine in our Victorian house, although that is assuming we put some work into making the living room more presentable and styled accordingly.
Mind you, I swear she blanched when I told her the price! Anyway, they're sure to have a sale...

Good news!
So you're fancying that as your new listening couch?

Forgive me for crossing over threads, but it seems safer territory.
JoelSim:Just on another note Leema do use Nordost cabling in the Tucana's speaker output stages so I'm told.

I recall you mentioning this before Joel, hence my comment regarding Leema's stance (who presumably do advocate it based on that) while Roger Russell (ex-McIntosh engineer) doesn't but gives a good breakdown on why his view stands and the relevance of cable thickness over distance (hence 10AWG up to 32AWG or whatever it is).

A look at the Blue Jeans Cable website gives another good breakdown on what a cable can do from a physical perspective. They also sell high end wires as well, I think, so you can apply the theory on either side to the science. And I think Ashley James has made it pretty clear on several fronts where he stands with cables.
Gerrardasnails:maxflinn:just been reading this trying to spot the "alledged" schoolboy , its not rik , its not trs , its not chebby , i cant see anything that anyone has said that would make them seem like a jealous schoolboy to be honest gerrald

I never said TRS wasn't one! Of course he is. Sonofason and Frank Barlow complete the trio!

Certainly not jealous, though I may have made the odd schoolboy comment. As for Joel, he is a divisive character, and I am sure he can look after himself. I don't think he needs a minder, Mr hard as nails.

Personally I enjoy these kind of threads, so why not chill out mate, they are only cables. Any more trouble and I will send Jean-Claude around with a length of cable (for you to try out).

I'm more divisive here than in person.

Argh.. so you admit you are divisive, only joking, I am glad we are all different it make the world a lot more interesting.

Besides, someone has to fund the Nordhost christmas party, heard it's in Valhalla this year.
You could buy Van Damme cable, then cover it with this......


and terminate with this......


....and then state, truthfully, you have your own bespoke speaker cables.
Interesting reading, but Joel, the kimber 8TC is a great cable as I upgraded from the 4TC along time ago, it sounds more fuller bass with a sweeter treble as I recall, I then upgraded to kimber monocle XL and what a cable sounded so natural and open, but sadly
I sold all my naim kit and speaker cables a couple of years ago as I was watching more movies then playing music.

But 100% for the kimber 8TC.

I'm more divisive here than in person.

Argh.. so you admit you are divisive, only joking, I am glad we are all different it make the world a lot more interesting.

Besides, someone has to fund the Nordhost christmas party, heard it's in Valhalla this year.

I think opinionated rather than divisive.


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