soft dome v metal dome you have a preferance?

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Very happy with either - the 752s are fine speakers and they have mesh domed metal tweeters. Harsh? Far from it.
scene:plastic penguin:

scene:As others have said, it depends on the execution (and why are we ignoring horn tweeters, and ribbon tweeters
The only thing I have found, from my experience with MAs, is that metal dome tweeters take a fair bit of running in and can very sound harsh and bright straight out of the packing. I think this can put people off. Soft domes tend to sound closer to their final state from the outset.

Find it quite interesting regards different interpretations of hard domed tweeters. As I mentioned previously, I really do believe room acoustics is so influential. It's probably right if you hooked up MAs to an all Cyrus or all Leema system in a very reflective room, the sound could be brittle and edgy.

You're right there, whereas an MA RS (or Silver 8i) hooked up to a mellow Arcam (say an A85 or AVR250) produces a synergy that is greater than the sum of the parts (IMHO). And therein lies the heart of the audiophile adage of "demo, demo, demo"

Indeed: this is why a vast majority of my dems have been at home. Dedicated dem rooms are fine up to a point, but they won't give a true representaion of the synergy of any system.
After auditioning both metal and soft dome speakers I finally settled on Esoteric MG-20 which use magnesium. I believe they are the only speakers that use this technology but sound great to me!!
zekezebra:After auditioning both metal and soft dome speakers I finally settled on Esoteric MG-20 which use magnesium. I believe they are the only speakers that use this technology but sound great to me!!
I was intrigued, so I did a quick search and turned up (from the esoteric-teac website) that: Esoteric exclusive Mg technology, ceramic coating and corrugation. The Focal Chorus range has (had?) a speaker with a Magnesium tweeter, and there are some others. They even have one with a berilium tweeter! I believe in all cases the magnesium isn't 100% pure, 90%+ (though I'm prepared to be corrected on that). So the MA c-cam technology isn't so different. It's the stiffness and rapid heat dispersion of magnesium (alloys) that attract manufacturers.
Eek! Isn't magnesium the stuff that would ignite spectacularly during school chem' classes?

Not that I want to give devious kiddies any ideas for when they're alone in a room with a relative's prize speakers...

ive read many posts on here regarding both types, some prefer soft domes, some metal, and some say that there isn't much between them once they're partnered well..

well my own observations based on my old monitor audio rx6's and my current dynaudios are that in my room at least, and with my yamaha amp (which i never got to hear my rx6's with) the soft dome tweeters are much nicer..

i used to tire of listening to my rx6's after a couple of hours, but i can listen to my dyns for days (and literally have done), the highs are so detailed yet somehow smooth and easy on my ears, it's probably the wrong word but "velvety" keeps springing to mind, and there's no sibilence at all, just crisp,deft little sounds of cymbals, etc. very nice indeed..

any views??

Hi maxflinn

I like both. Dynaudio's Esotar2, Monitor Audio's Platinum Ribbon, Focal's beryllium and Yamaha's beryllium (as used in the NS1000) are the finest HF units i've heard.
ATC's first ever HF unit promises to be exceptional.

Btw, how are you getting on with your speaker cable?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Allright Rick,

I was under the impression that ATC made all of their drive units in-house.If,as you state,they don't manufacture their own HF drive units,then where do they currently source them from?

Should we expect ATC's new HF drive units to be a radical departure from technologies previously employed ie: Metal-Alloys,Ribbons etc.?

And how long will it be before we can see & hear the new models/variants for ourselves.

Regards & thanks.

Couldn't live with the metal tweeters in my B&W 685's, now have Dynaudio Excite X12's and love them, but I do think my Sony 1200ES certainly didn't help the 685's cause, I still have them and when I upgrade to a better dedicated Hi-fi amp I will give them another shot. Yet even in my younger days with my car stereo could not stand the metal tweeters in some of the MB Quartz etc and settled for some silk tweetered Polk which I also loved so I suspect I still will and always will lean towards the silk variety. 🙂

ive read many posts on here regarding both types, some prefer soft domes, some metal, and some say that there isn't much between them once they're partnered well..

well my own observations based on my old monitor audio rx6's and my current dynaudios are that in my room at least, and with my yamaha amp (which i never got to hear my rx6's with) the soft dome tweeters are much nicer..

i used to tire of listening to my rx6's after a couple of hours, but i can listen to my dyns for days (and literally have done), the highs are so detailed yet somehow smooth and easy on my ears, it's probably the wrong word but "velvety" keeps springing to mind, and there's no sibilence at all, just crisp,deft little sounds of cymbals, etc. very nice indeed..

any views??

Hi maxflinn

I like both. Dynaudio's Esotar2, Monitor Audio's Platinum Ribbon, Focal's beryllium and Yamaha's beryllium (as used in the NS1000) are the finest HF units i've heard.
ATC's first ever HF unit promises to be exceptional.

Btw, how are you getting on with your speaker cable?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Allright Rick,

I was under the impression that ATC made all of their drive units in-house.If,as you state,they don't manufacture their own HF drive units,then where do they currently source them from?

Should we expect ATC's new HF drive units to be a radical departure from technologies previously employed ie: Metal-Alloys,Ribbons etc.?

And how long will it be before we can see & hear the new models/variants for ourselves.

Regards & thanks.


Hi Babur72

HF units for the Entry Series are sourced from Vifa and for Classic, Tower and Professional ranges from Seas.

There will be two bespoke ATC HF units. A 34mm which is now complete for use in SCM200 and SCM300 montors. A 25mm version is in development. From what i understand these ATC HF units are based on their studio Soft Dome mid range unit.

We should see the 34mm HF unit on sale next year however there is no time scale on the 25mm unit.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

ive read many posts on here regarding both types, some prefer soft domes, some metal, and some say that there isn't much between them once they're partnered well..

well my own observations based on my old monitor audio rx6's and my current dynaudios are that in my room at least, and with my yamaha amp (which i never got to hear my rx6's with) the soft dome tweeters are much nicer..

i used to tire of listening to my rx6's after a couple of hours, but i can listen to my dyns for days (and literally have done), the highs are so detailed yet somehow smooth and easy on my ears, it's probably the wrong word but "velvety" keeps springing to mind, and there's no sibilence at all, just crisp,deft little sounds of cymbals, etc. very nice indeed..

any views??

Hi maxflinn

I like both. Dynaudio's Esotar2, Monitor Audio's Platinum Ribbon, Focal's beryllium and Yamaha's beryllium (as used in the NS1000) are the finest HF units i've heard.
ATC's first ever HF unit promises to be exceptional.

Btw, how are you getting on with your speaker cable?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Allright Rick,

I was under the impression that ATC made all of their drive units in-house.If,as you state,they don't manufacture their own HF drive units,then where do they currently source them from?

Should we expect ATC's new HF drive units to be a radical departure from technologies previously employed ie: Metal-Alloys,Ribbons etc.?

And how long will it be before we can see & hear the new models/variants for ourselves.

Regards & thanks.


Hi Babur72

HF units for the Entry Series are sourced from Vifa and for Classic, Tower and Professional ranges from Seas.

There will be two bespoke ATC HF units. A 34mm which is now complete for use in SCM200 and SCM300 montors. A 25mm version is in development. From what i understand these ATC HF units are based on their studio Soft Dome mid range unit.

We should see the 34mm HF unit on sale next year however there is no time scale on the 25mm unit.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

'Ey up Rick,

I'm most grateful for your informative reply.

Do you know whether the 34mm HF unit will be used in any of ATC's domestic 'speakers or will the larger HF unit be restricted to their larger studio monitors?...Unless i'm mistaken.I think the SCM300 has a 34mm HF driver,hasn't it(?).

As my signature shows i bought the C2300 tube pre & MC501 solid-state,class A/B,output transformer power-amps.In your opinion do you believe McIntosh electronics have any potential for synergy with ATC 'speakers? Have you any listening experience of McIntosh amp's with ATC 'speakers? If so.How did the combination sound?

Your place isn't on or near Friargate,is it?

B.T.W.How's the weather in Derby?...Must be pretty nippy.

Taa very much,m' duck!



ive read many posts on here regarding both types, some prefer soft domes, some metal, and some say that there isn't much between them once they're partnered well..

well my own observations based on my old monitor audio rx6's and my current dynaudios are that in my room at least, and with my yamaha amp (which i never got to hear my rx6's with) the soft dome tweeters are much nicer..

i used to tire of listening to my rx6's after a couple of hours, but i can listen to my dyns for days (and literally have done), the highs are so detailed yet somehow smooth and easy on my ears, it's probably the wrong word but "velvety" keeps springing to mind, and there's no sibilence at all, just crisp,deft little sounds of cymbals, etc. very nice indeed..

any views??

Hi maxflinn

I like both. Dynaudio's Esotar2, Monitor Audio's Platinum Ribbon, Focal's beryllium and Yamaha's beryllium (as used in the NS1000) are the finest HF units i've heard.
ATC's first ever HF unit promises to be exceptional.

Btw, how are you getting on with your speaker cable?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Allright Rick,

I was under the impression that ATC made all of their drive units in-house.If,as you state,they don't manufacture their own HF drive units,then where do they currently source them from?

Should we expect ATC's new HF drive units to be a radical departure from technologies previously employed ie: Metal-Alloys,Ribbons etc.?

And how long will it be before we can see & hear the new models/variants for ourselves.

Regards & thanks.


Hi Babur72

HF units for the Entry Series are sourced from Vifa and for Classic, Tower and Professional ranges from Seas.

There will be two bespoke ATC HF units. A 34mm which is now complete for use in SCM200 and SCM300 montors. A 25mm version is in development. From what i understand these ATC HF units are based on their studio Soft Dome mid range unit.

We should see the 34mm HF unit on sale next year however there is no time scale on the 25mm unit.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

'Ey up Rick,

I'm most grateful for your informative reply.

Do you know whether the 34mm HF unit will be used in any of ATC's domestic 'speakers or will the larger HF unit be restricted to their larger studio monitors?...Unless i'm mistaken.I think the SCM300 has a 34mm HF driver,hasn't it(?).

As my signature shows i bought the C2300 tube pre & MC501 solid-state,class A/B,output transformer power-amps.In your opinion do you believe McIntosh electronics have any potential for synergy with ATC 'speakers? Have you any listening experience of McIntosh amp's with ATC 'speakers? If so.How did the combination sound?

Your place isn't on or near Friargate,is it?

B.T.W.How's the weather in Derby?...Must be pretty nippy.

Taa very much,m' duck!




Thanks for your post.

I am busy at the moment so i'll respond later on today. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
you're dead right there pp, ive currently got dire straits greatest hits playing on a loop and as corny as it sounds, ive got over that analytical stage and am really just enjoying the music and all the little nuances of it..ive found the perfect system for me in my room
not through extensive demoing, but through a bit of experimentation, logic, trust in advice and a bit of luck

Great cd

Ive owned B&W's and Monitor audio's with metal domes, every other speaker ive owned has been a soft dome.

I prefer soft domes due to their smooth, non fatiguing sound, but saying that, the monitor audio Bronze 2's i had were the best budget speakers ive owned.

The Seas excel tweeter in my ATC's is the best hf unit ive heard. Its extremely dynamic and detailed.

I can't wait to hear ATC's own hf unit when its relesed. Hopefully early next year

This is intended to be a retrofit for current ATC owners


you're dead right there pp, ive currently got dire straits greatest hits playing on a loop and as corny as it sounds, ive got over that analytical stage and am really just enjoying the music and all the little nuances of it..ive found the perfect system for me in my room
not through extensive demoing, but through a bit of experimentation, logic, trust in advice and a bit of luck

Great cd

Ive owned B&W's and Monitor audio's with metal domes, every other speaker ive owned has been a soft dome.

I prefer soft domes due to their smooth, non fatiguing sound, but saying that, the monitor audio Bronze 2's i had were the best budget speakers ive owned.

The Seas excel tweeter in my ATC's is the best hf unit ive heard. Its extremely dynamic and detailed.

I can't wait to hear ATC's own hf unit when its relesed. Hopefully early next year

This is intended to be a retrofit for current ATC owners

if i ever get the chance to listen to some of these atc speakers with their funky new soft dome tweeter ill have to make sure and not take it

well. not for at least a year anyways
After having the Tannoy DC2000's and now the KEF Q500's, I'm afraid I'll have to put my vote towards dual concentric/Uni-Q (very similar) technology when it comes to tweeters....

ive read many posts on here regarding both types, some prefer soft domes, some metal, and some say that there isn't much between them once they're partnered well..

well my own observations based on my old monitor audio rx6's and my current dynaudios are that in my room at least, and with my yamaha amp (which i never got to hear my rx6's with) the soft dome tweeters are much nicer..

i used to tire of listening to my rx6's after a couple of hours, but i can listen to my dyns for days (and literally have done), the highs are so detailed yet somehow smooth and easy on my ears, it's probably the wrong word but "velvety" keeps springing to mind, and there's no sibilence at all, just crisp,deft little sounds of cymbals, etc. very nice indeed..

any views??

Hi maxflinn

I like both. Dynaudio's Esotar2, Monitor Audio's Platinum Ribbon, Focal's beryllium and Yamaha's beryllium (as used in the NS1000) are the finest HF units i've heard.
ATC's first ever HF unit promises to be exceptional.

Btw, how are you getting on with your speaker cable?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Allright Rick,

I was under the impression that ATC made all of their drive units in-house.If,as you state,they don't manufacture their own HF drive units,then where do they currently source them from?

Should we expect ATC's new HF drive units to be a radical departure from technologies previously employed ie: Metal-Alloys,Ribbons etc.?

And how long will it be before we can see & hear the new models/variants for ourselves.

Regards & thanks.


Hi Babur72

HF units for the Entry Series are sourced from Vifa and for Classic, Tower and Professional ranges from Seas.

There will be two bespoke ATC HF units. A 34mm which is now complete for use in SCM200 and SCM300 montors. A 25mm version is in development. From what i understand these ATC HF units are based on their studio Soft Dome mid range unit.

We should see the 34mm HF unit on sale next year however there is no time scale on the 25mm unit.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

'Ey up Rick,

I'm most grateful for your informative reply.

Do you know whether the 34mm HF unit will be used in any of ATC's domestic 'speakers or will the larger HF unit be restricted to their larger studio monitors?...Unless i'm mistaken.I think the SCM300 has a 34mm HF driver,hasn't it(?).

As my signature shows i bought the C2300 tube pre & MC501 solid-state,class A/B,output transformer power-amps.In your opinion do you believe McIntosh electronics have any potential for synergy with ATC 'speakers? Have you any listening experience of McIntosh amp's with ATC 'speakers? If so.How did the combination sound?

Your place isn't on or near Friargate,is it?

B.T.W.How's the weather in Derby?...Must be pretty nippy.

Taa very much,m' duck!




Thanks for your post.

I am busy at the moment so i'll respond later on today. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

'Ey up Rick,

I appreciate you're a busy bloke,but i just wanted to jog your memory for a response to my earlier query above.regarding the potential for synergy between McIntosh electronics(C2300 & MC501 mono-block amp's) & ATC 'speakers.

Also whether you know if ATC's new 34mm HF unit will be used in any of ATC's domestic 'speakers or will the larger HF unit be restricted to their larger studio monitors?

Regards & thanks.

Pistol Pete1:After having the Tannoy DC2000's and now the KEF Q500's, I'm afraid I'll have to put my vote towards dual concentric/Uni-Q (very similar) technology when it comes to tweeters....

Agreed. Although it's worth noting that the Uni-Q version has gone through multiple iterations, some more successful than others...

ive read many posts on here regarding both types, some prefer soft domes, some metal, and some say that there isn't much between them once they're partnered well..

well my own observations based on my old monitor audio rx6's and my current dynaudios are that in my room at least, and with my yamaha amp (which i never got to hear my rx6's with) the soft dome tweeters are much nicer..

i used to tire of listening to my rx6's after a couple of hours, but i can listen to my dyns for days (and literally have done), the highs are so detailed yet somehow smooth and easy on my ears, it's probably the wrong word but "velvety" keeps springing to mind, and there's no sibilence at all, just crisp,deft little sounds of cymbals, etc. very nice indeed..

any views??

Hi maxflinn

I like both. Dynaudio's Esotar2, Monitor Audio's Platinum Ribbon, Focal's beryllium and Yamaha's beryllium (as used in the NS1000) are the finest HF units i've heard.
ATC's first ever HF unit promises to be exceptional.

Btw, how are you getting on with your speaker cable?

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Allright Rick,

I was under the impression that ATC made all of their drive units in-house.If,as you state,they don't manufacture their own HF drive units,then where do they currently source them from?

Should we expect ATC's new HF drive units to be a radical departure from technologies previously employed ie: Metal-Alloys,Ribbons etc.?

And how long will it be before we can see & hear the new models/variants for ourselves.

Regards & thanks.


Hi Babur72

HF units for the Entry Series are sourced from Vifa and for Classic, Tower and Professional ranges from Seas.

There will be two bespoke ATC HF units. A 34mm which is now complete for use in SCM200 and SCM300 montors. A 25mm version is in development. From what i understand these ATC HF units are based on their studio Soft Dome mid range unit.

We should see the 34mm HF unit on sale next year however there is no time scale on the 25mm unit.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

'Ey up Rick,

I'm most grateful for your informative reply.

Do you know whether the 34mm HF unit will be used in any of ATC's domestic 'speakers or will the larger HF unit be restricted to their larger studio monitors?...Unless i'm mistaken.I think the SCM300 has a 34mm HF driver,hasn't it(?).

As my signature shows i bought the C2300 tube pre & MC501 solid-state,class A/B,output transformer power-amps.In your opinion do you believe McIntosh electronics have any potential for synergy with ATC 'speakers? Have you any listening experience of McIntosh amp's with ATC 'speakers? If so.How did the combination sound?

Your place isn't on or near Friargate,is it?

B.T.W.How's the weather in Derby?...Must be pretty nippy.

Taa very much,m' duck!




Thanks for your post.

I am busy at the moment so i'll respond later on today. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

'Ey up Rick,

I appreciate you're a busy bloke,but i just wanted to jog your memory for a response to my earlier query above.regarding the potential for synergy between McIntosh electronics(C2300 & MC501 mono-block amp's) & ATC 'speakers.

Also whether you know if ATC's new 34mm HF unit will be used in any of ATC's domestic 'speakers or will the larger HF unit be restricted to their larger studio monitors?

Regards & thanks.



Thanks for your post.

Firstly i am sorry for my late reply as i've been very busy over the last few days.

Yes, McIntosh amplification and ATC monitors work together superbly. I have a couple of clients who are happily using this combination.

From what i understand ATC's new 34mm HF unit will also be used in the domestic SCM300 monitors.

Musicraft is not in Friargate. Musicraft is situated on the junction betwen London Road and Midland Road (in between Derby Train Station and the Westfield Shopping Centre).

Btw, yes it is rather cold here .

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

you're dead right there pp, ive currently got dire straits greatest hits playing on a loop and as corny as it sounds, ive got over that analytical stage and am really just enjoying the music and all the little nuances of it..ive found the perfect system for me in my room
not through extensive demoing, but through a bit of experimentation, logic, trust in advice and a bit of luck

Great cd

Ive owned B&W's and Monitor audio's with metal domes, every other speaker ive owned has been a soft dome.

I prefer soft domes due to their smooth, non fatiguing sound, but saying that, the monitor audio Bronze 2's i had were the best budget speakers ive owned.

The Seas excel tweeter in my ATC's is the best hf unit ive heard. Its extremely dynamic and detailed.

I can't wait to hear ATC's own hf unit when its relesed. Hopefully early next year

This is intended to be a retrofit for current ATC owners

if i ever get the chance to listen to some of these atc speakers with their funky new soft dome tweeter ill have to make sure and not take it

well. not for at least a year anyways

Hi Maxflinn

If you decide to make the move to ATC and want a demo, give me a shout

matt, please don't tempt me with such offers, i'm very impressionable and i've got some work lined up
.. omg, chebby was right, i am going insane
maxflinn:matt, please don't tempt me with such offers, i'm very impressionable and i've got some work lined up
.. omg, chebby was right, i am going insane

Good news on the work front then
maxflinn:matt, please don't tempt me with such offers, i'm very impressionable and i've got some work lined up
.. omg, chebby was right, i am going insane

Good news on the work front then

ah its only a few weeks work, should help to upgrade something pay a few bills


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