Self tapping screws to hold down the arm???? |( Bl**dy heck. Cheap, nasty, rubbish way of doing it.
I've been thinking about looking for either another old Thorens or one of the better battleship-build Japanese Direct Drive decks for a while (possibly Technics but not necessarily as there are some nice decks by JVC, Denon, Pioneer, Trio/Kenwood and Sony out there), and all this does is spur me on.
It really is very disconcerting that products of the price of an RP3 or RP6 aren't engineered to a higher standard than using bloomin self-tappers. |(
Incidentally I did have a TecnoDec for a while with the Rega arm and a Sumiko Evo III cart. Beautifully engineered (different class to the Rega), but the sound was always somehow soul-less, but with hindsight it may well have been the Sumiko rather than anything to do with the turntable itself. Dust trap though, even with the UniCover. One of those things I should have kept and used with some different cartridges...