smithdom:There are
reports that Sony are about to post their first loss for 14 years. Maybe this has something to to with the apparent quality control issues being experienced? In this financial climate the last thing Sony needs to be doing is alienating a segment of its customer base by not treating complaints seriously, however small that segment is.
What a load of absolute rubbish. Sony quality control is no worse than any other manufacturer. As another user has pointed out, issues have been raised about sets from all the main manufacturers. The truth is that these issues become more pronounced on forums like this because they sell in such massive numbers and, in the main, disatissfied customers/owners are more likely to post than the satisfied ones.
Sony might indeed post a loss (but they haven't actually posted their figures for 2008 yet or shared them with dealers so we don't actually know for sure) but this is purely down to the current economic climate. The ridiculous suggestions that are being made within this thread about the end being nigh etc. are neither true or helpful to anyone. Whether you like Sony gear or not (and it doesn't suit everyone), they are responsible for a great number of technical innovations which have lead to improvements across the industry and they are a manufacturer that ploughs huge amounts of money into research and development. Like most of the big manufacturers they continue to offer genuine advancements in technology that bring continuous improvements in our viewing experience. They don't always get everything 100% right, but then what big manufacturer does? Volkswagen make superbly engineered, reliable and good to drive cars but there are design faults and/or characteristics of their products which are less successful with owners.
I think its about time that, instead of spending copious amounts of time trying to damage Sony's reputation and looking for faults, some people got on with actually enjoying their own viewing whether they watch an LCD, plasma, CRT and whether it be a Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, Samsung, Philips, LG etc. At the end of the day, whilst those experiencing genuine problems with their sets should be taken seriously by their retailer/dealer, a forum thread like this is never going to put that many people off buying something if they go into a store and make a decision with their own eyes. The W4500 sets are fantastic examples of how far LCD technology has come. If they were absolutely perfect where would the sense be in developing RGB LED backlighting and other new technologies?