I should add that i leave pixel orbiter on at all times and that THX mode does turn the function onto AUTO not off, there is no such option on pixel orbiter, despite THX mode doing this i've had no image retention issues atall in THX mode.
I have to say that despite WHF and others stating that image retention is a thing of the past on plasma tvs my experience is that opinion is simply not true when it comes to Panasonic plasma tvs, i can't say anything about the likes of Samsung and LG as i've never owned a plasma tv from either of these but with Panasonic tvs image retention is still an issue.
My G20 that i owned had terrible retention that turned into burn but what i would say is that the GT30 i own is an improvement, at least there are tools built in to help you keep on top of it now and that most examples are easily removed but to say image retention and in some cases burn are a thing of the past is misleading when it comes to Panasonic in my eperience that is not the case.
Apologies somehow i missed the OP stating how long he had owned the tv...speed reading can do that.
As for run in times yes i too have seen 200 hours quoted but from all the research i done prior to purchasing my GT30 (in order to avoid any issues) that is a bare minimum figure and that 500 hours is preferable as a run in period, of course it's up to the individual to decide what they feel is acceptable but i felt that the longer the run in the less chance there was of issues further down the line. For a small amount of pain for the first 500 hours it's been well worth it so far.
It's heartening to hear your Samsung has had no issues with retention but also a concern that the LG you had breifly did suffer, perhaps adding fuel to the fire that retention issues are not a thing of the past as my experience has proved.
What must be remembered is that with the best will in the world the likes of WHF and other reviewers simply don't live with these tvs every day and so any issues that may arise later in a tvs life can't be accounted for, they review the tv over a relatively small amount of time when compared to the everyday use of a consumer.
One last point for anyone with a plasma tv that is in the run in period, don't forget that you can view the amount of hours on your screen by getting into the engineers menu or in some cases (Samsung i beleive) there is an option to view this in the menu. Just google engineers menu for your particular tv or use view amount of hours use as a search and you will find how to do it, i found this very useful.