Stand mount active speakers


Well-known member
May 20, 2016
My stereo system currently incorporates fairly large floor standing speakers with conventional multi box amplification. My missus, who likes the stereo has made a reasonable observation that it is visually a bit over powering for our living room.

So it pains me to say that I am beginning to look for a replacement system, but on the other hand this presents an opportunity too.
I am thinking of active speakers with at most one box front end. I may ditch the Hi-Fi rack.

Speakers seem to be the biggest obstacle, so I am looking for active stand mounts

I would be happy with Neumann or Genelec powered monitors but I fear the 'studio look' isn't going to be acceptable to my missus, which is sad but probably fair enough.

So I am looking for ideas for stand mount speakers which are 'Active' and the incorporation of DSP is attractive to me, but not essential.

Budget could stretch to £5k, maybe!

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Al ears

Well-known member
My stereo system currently incorporates fairly large floor standing speakers with conventional multi box amplification. My missus, who likes the stereo has made a reasonable observation that it is visually a bit over powering for our living room.

So it pains me to say that I am beginning to look for a replacement system, but on the other hand this presents an opportunity too.
I am thinking of active speakers with at most one box front end. I may ditch the Hi-Fi rack.

Speakers seem to be the biggest obstacle, so I am looking for active stand mounts

I would be happy with Neumann or Genelec powered monitors but I fear the 'studio look' isn't going to be acceptable to my missus, which is sad but probably fair enough.

So I am looking for ideas for stand mount speakers which are 'Active' and the incorporation of DSP is attractive to me, but not essential.

Budget could stretch to £5k, maybe!

The Acoustic Energy AE1 Active speakers are supposed to be very good, have not heard them myself.
No DSP however, butif you need that there's something wrong with your set-up
The white finish might make them fit well in your room.
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
My stereo system currently incorporates fairly large floor standing speakers with conventional multi box amplification. My missus, who likes the stereo has made a reasonable observation that it is visually a bit over powering for our living room.

So it pains me to say that I am beginning to look for a replacement system, but on the other hand this presents an opportunity too.
I am thinking of active speakers with at most one box front end. I may ditch the Hi-Fi rack.

Speakers seem to be the biggest obstacle, so I am looking for active stand mounts

I would be happy with Neumann or Genelec powered monitors but I fear the 'studio look' isn't going to be acceptable to my missus, which is sad but probably fair enough.

So I am looking for ideas for stand mount speakers which are 'Active' and the incorporation of DSP is attractive to me, but not essential.

Budget could stretch to £5k, maybe!

Adams and Hedd are mighty fine professional monitor active speakers, your budget gives you some flexibility to purchase their top end models. Do check out their website. I got mine from Scan computers UK, they have a good returns policy.

Adams have DSP! Hedd have it as well (manually).




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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2021
I am with you that most 'studio' monitors are hardly acceptable in a domestic environment. Personally I'd perhaps exclude Genelec from this as they have at least an interesting industrial design, subjectively and have a cabinet that is made leagues better than most others.
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KEF LS50 wireless are a system in themselves. Active, including connections for legacy kit like CD players, but typically operated from an app on your iPad or phone. The ultra slim LS60 is better still, and a ‘tower’ but very discreet in various solid colour options, but not wood.

Doesn’t include DSP but KEF has some room equalisation options and look domesticated.

I agree with the Acoustic Energy AE1 Actives option, though they need a streamer or preamp. Available in a lush glossy wood finish if that is more your taste.



Well-known member
May 20, 2016
Many thanks for the ideas, some interesting studio monitor designs in there worth a look at.

Some years back, whilst trying a NAD M33, I had a listen to the Kef LS 60 speaker as they were in the room, I liked them, I just wonder if the missus could be convinced that they take up little or no more floor space as stand mount speakers?

Worth a try I guess.



Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
Also consider the active Focal's, they're well established in the professional scene but they also bridge across to domestic HiFi, may appeal more to your missus :)

1731940201310.pngYour missus probably won't like the Genelec. I always found them to be overpriced.
Is it me, their top end models remind me of those flight cabin trollies! :LOL:
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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2010
Many thanks for the ideas, some interesting studio monitor designs in there worth a look at.

Some years back, whilst trying a NAD M33, I had a listen to the Kef LS 60 speaker as they were in the room, I liked them, I just wonder if the missus could be convinced that they take up little or no more floor space as stand mount speakers?

Worth a try I guess.

Just point out how slim and elegant they look in one piece compared to how wide (find the widest you can) and industrial looking speaker stands are.
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Sam Sly

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2021
I have a pair of Genelec G3 in my apartment.

I personally think they look good and sound fantastic. They passed my wife test and I got no complaints about the looks. They fit nicely into my living room.

The build quality is excellent and made out of aluminium. My young kids smashed in my old KEF LS50. They haven’t been able to do any damage or even put a scratch on my Genelecs (yet). This was my main reason for buying the Genelecs.

I believe the G series don’t have DSP though. Other Genelec series do have it.

I just ordered a Bluesound Node Icon to use with my Genelecs (for steamer, DAC and preamp duties) and I think this system is all I will need for a long time.

There are a couple of good reviews for the Genelec G3 on YouTube and another publication, which I’m sure you can find on Google.

I highly recommend the Genelec G series.
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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2021
I will just state that some of the above options are forgoing or at least assuming you have appropriate devices to plug these said active/powered speakers into, Ie a dac with a volume pot like that RME or and everosolo or blue sound node/icon,

If you want domestic expectancy id look at kef or buchardt audio 's Anniversary 10 with there platin hub,Its about the size of an Apple TV
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Well-known member
May 20, 2016
Thanks for the comments:

Yes I have a couple of streamers and a RME adi-2 fs DAC which I currently use for PEQ (aka basic room correction)
LS60 "slim" tick
Genelec do the business I totally get this, not actually suggested this style of speaker to the missus yet, I didn't know that they were made of aluminum, that sounds good. Genelecs with sub might be good
Kef and Buchardt's definitely fit the bill, but I can see the next comment will be wheres the screen that shows what's playing! (My Modified Sony/Rpi streamer has a 7" touch screen, working cassette 'piano' keys and VU meters)

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2021
Thanks for the comments:

Yes I have a couple of streamers and a RME adi-2 fs DAC which I currently use for PEQ (aka basic room correction)
LS60 "slim" tick
Genelec do the business I totally get this, not actually suggested this style of speaker to the missus yet, I didn't know that they were made of aluminum, that sounds good. Genelecs with sub might be good
Kef and Buchardt's definitely fit the bill, but I can see the next comment will be wheres the screen that shows what's playing! (My Modified Sony/Rpi streamer has a 7" touch screen, working cassette 'piano' keys and VU meters)

View attachment 7849
Lol I would have assumed a phone!

Ill add this would be some what redundant though with streaming active loud speakers like what kef offer


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2021
I use a set of Acoustic energy ae1 active (Walnut with the matching stands) in a second my small summer house, however at the moment I've taken them from there and brought them into the living room partnering them with a mytec Brooklyn's a fantastic sounding unobtrusive little system especially if I removed my turntable ( not happening though) and I could be quite content with it as my main source of musical's also more convenient for tv/movie duties compared to my primaluna dialogue premium hp, being a power hungry warm running amp.
Although if I had a 5k budget to play with....I'd seriously consider looking at the active pmc twenty range.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2020
I've been a happy Buchardt A500 owner for 4+ years and definitely they're worth looking at. The range of active loudspeakers seems to be growing constantly. Technics have just released an active DSP based speaker the sc-cx700, and early reviews have been positive. Also the Cabasse Rialo has some positive reviews too.


Well-known member
Thanks for the comments:

Yes I have a couple of streamers and a RME adi-2 fs DAC which I currently use for PEQ (aka basic room correction)
LS60 "slim" tick
Genelec do the business I totally get this, not actually suggested this style of speaker to the missus yet, I didn't know that they were made of aluminum, that sounds good. Genelecs with sub might be good
Kef and Buchardt's definitely fit the bill, but I can see the next comment will be wheres the screen that shows what's playing! (My Modified Sony/Rpi streamer has a 7" touch screen, working cassette 'piano' keys and VU meters)

View attachment 7849
That box is a neat trick!!
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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
Genelec look like Doctor Who Adipose; what's not to love?

I understand the issue of appearance and not over whelming your living space. I live with 45 year old active floor standing speakers equally hated by my ex-wife and not appreciated by my daughter either.

For looks I found the cylinder JR149 from the 80s well liked and this applies to speakers like the Devialet Phantoms, Cabasse Pearl Akoya Wireless Speaker and many B&O life style speakers. These cost and £5k for room compensation streaming DSP active speakers that don't lock you out of expanding to full surround or have a dangle mess of wires for external equipment is not documented in the brochures and reviewers don't mention it either.

Some have mentioned Adams Audio. They offer the lowest price active speakers up to some very high end models. Against the T5V and T7V other speakers are powered. Active speakers have an active cross over and usually each speaker needs a mains input. A few take their own amplification from a primary and use a four way lead to the secondary speaker. Powered speakers put an amplifier into the primary speaker and have bell wire cables to the secondary passive speaker. Some models are called Active but do not have an active cross over.

Speakers may be wireless but then you need to plug in RCA and HDMI cables into the primary as well as mains. Many wireless speakers are not suitable for play back from a TV or computer. Usually if they have a HDMI connection it will work but having fibre optical isn't a given. The issue is poor latency where the sound can be 30 seconds behind the video. In some case an Apple 4K TV using Airplay over comes the problem but Bluetooth, wi-fi DNLA and uPnP still have latency issues. Airplay 2 is not as good as WiSA and is limited to stereo.

The "best" wireless solution is WiSA as it can be found from several manufacturers and works for wireless stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 surround but a mix and matching from several manufacturers best to avoid.

What is possible, with appearance heavily in mind, might best be demonstrated with a visit to a B&O store (take a trip to Harrods). Listen to Beosound Theatre with tiny Emerge speakers with the newest Beolink Surround. You can hang two Beosound Levels off a wall for rear with the Theatre for centre and front speakers or use them as full replacement for a rack of electronics and floor standing speakers. Full streaming inputs. They listen to Beosound Theatre with Beolab 8 and Beolab 28. Beolab 8 offer full streaming, wireless and work with a TV or computer over powerlink or WiSA (needing an Axiim Link USB or Sound send HDMI or a B&O WiSA transmitter).Then go away and look for what you can afford. The hubs for WiSA, EQUI (Dali), Formation Audio (B&W) can be hidden away from view behind a TV or in a unit a mobile phone app or remote for control.

Buchardt have the A500 and A10 which come with a hub to transmit wirelessly using WiSA (B&O Beolabs use WiSA). These have DSP, room compensation and streaming wired connections with the hub. Buchardt offer a 30 day return to base so you can set them up, have a good listen and if you don't like the A500 return them free of charge and get the A700 (nearly in your budget). Going direct saves you about 30% over high street alternatives. Buchardt are nice looking speakers, for a more traditional box than the round spheres or column towers.

Kef LS60 £4,999.00 (but are heavily discounted) have been mentioned, DSP packs a lot into a smaller speaker. Can't scale up to surround. Many offer some form of wired connection as well as wi-fi or other wireless connection. Below £5k include:-

Dynaudio Focus 10 WiSA 4,399.00
Sonus Faber Duetto wi-fi 3,490.00
Buchardt A10 WiSA 3,192.00
DALI Oberon 7C (without hub) 1,799.00
AVI DM12 wired 2,995.00
Buchardt A500 WiSA 2,940.00

B&O Beolab 17 WiSA 3,000.00 (2nd hand)

Devialet Phantom fibre optic/Ethernet 98db 2 2,800.00
Cabasse Pearl Akoya Wireless Speaker WiSA 1,495.00

B&O Beosound Level oak wi-fi/Airplay 2,898.00
B&O Beosound Balance Natural oak wi-fi/Airpla 4,798.00

Buchardt A700 WiSA 5,040.00
B&O Beolab 8 gold/light oak WiSA/wi-fi 5,398.00 (going up to £6000 Nov 2025)
Devialet Phantom 108dB I fibre optic.Ethernet 5,600.00

Although a rectangular box the Buchardt A10/A500 are a bargain offering modern features and keep the costs down. Devialet speakers pack a huge bass into tiny speakers. I have a pair of Phantom Gold 108db and they are as fun to watch as listen to. They offer streaming but it used to be built into the speaker and now is external to the mobile phone app. Fibre optic and Ethernet for lossless stereo and no latency problems now.

Out of all of those I would pick B&O Beolab 17 with a Soundsend using streaming frm the TV apps or Axiim Link streaming from a laptop or 1 litre PC box (tiny PC that uses Vesa mounts on a TV). B&O Beolab speakers can also get streaming services and intenet radio from Beosound Core and Beoconnect Core but are then wired to the box over powerlink. Beolab 17 are a much underrated speaker never promoted enough. Not a box, but have a "flat" front square available in different colours. Mine are brass and black. They can have bookshelf stands, floor stands or ceiling mounts. You hardly notice them.

For music only B&O Beosound Levels are flexible being able to use as a single speaker, table top or wall mounts. Full stereo sound stage with a pair. Multi-room, battery so work in the shed or patio or on a trip. Work with Apple 4K TV and an ad hoc work around for use with a PC or TV over 3.5mm analogue cable. It is hard to justify huge expensive systems against this quality and convenience. Beosound Balance offer more bass bigger heavier speakers costing a lot more but less portable and no battery and get into the Beolab 8 price point which offers the same features even more with powerlink and WiSA.

But regardless do note powered speakers v. active, DSP and room correction is not offered by all, DSP may have latency problems with video sources, many do not scale from stereo to full surround or have the option of an added sub-woofer. 80% of the time a pair of B&O Beosound Emerge is sufficient it is that last bit and the full blown block buster movie sound effects that the neighbours don't like.

Your ears, your budget, your choice.
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