Nothing I do ends up straightforward and this has been no exception.
This whole excercise has been made considerably more complicated by the fact [a] My Sub had a fault, where it kept knocking itself into Standby. This was far from easy to pin down....but eventually was pinned down to a loose connection in the voice coil of the 18" Drive unit. The part was only received, fitted and tested the evening before the home visit. If this window was missed, it would have been another month.
My Internet speed was so slow from Talk Talk, that the Postman on his bicycle was quicker. The change over to BT High Speed Fibre was also happening the day before, so new router and switch over all had to happen smoothly as well.
Anyway, all ducks having lined up, Lyric's guys made the 90 mile journey from Belfast and were with me at 11.15. It was a crushingly hot day, as they lugged in two latge cardboard boxes and a Sub the size of a large Dog Kennel into the house.
We disconected my Refs, removed and boxed up the LS50s, pulled the rack forward and going round the back, I gave it a much needed hoover, detangle and clean.
The plan was to connect up my first choice of speaker....which were the Harbeths.....and only if they didn't work in the room, would we then replace them with the Ref 3s, which they had also boxed up and brought, just in case - a second 180 mile round trip would have been expensive and time wasteful.
The speakers (with spikes), were placed on Something Solid "Missing Link" Isolation Feet, to mitigate, as far as possible, the negative effects of the suspended wooden floor. These amazing looking feet, made up of metal and string, which float the speaker....would not be out of place in a Heath Robinson drawing.
We (that's a Royal We), updated to the penultimate version of Kazoo (Windows 8 fought with the most up to date one), got my RipNas properly installed on Windows Home Server and installed Tidal (3 month free trial, which I'd never used as my Internet speed had previously not been fast enough).
With rack replaced, speakers carefully placed and levelled, we pressed play...