Clare Newsome: As mentioned a gazillion times, all our reviews are comparative, and the class-leading products often get a direct mention, as well as being referenced in the 'Also consider' panels in-mag and online.
For example, on the opposite page to the Oppo review in the Awards issue is a First Test of the Epson EH-TW2900 projector, which includes the line.."In this regard, Sanyo's same-priced PLV-Z700 edges the Epson, the Sanyo also appearing a little crisper in some scenes".
Now, in isolation, that Epson is stunning, but put it up against the Sanyo and it just gets pipped; hence a four-star review for the superb but not-quite-the-best Epson and five stars (and an Award win) for the Sanyo.,
But for arguments sake, assume the Epson did far more than the Sanyo, although the Sanyo just pipped it on picture, would that mean that despite the extra features, the Epson would be denied 5 stars?
I've read reviews before in WHF where a product dets 5 stars but will make reference to the fact that it may get just pipped in perfromance by x model, but because it has y features it gets full marks.
I know, before you tell me off, not everyone wants those features.