Andrew Everard:There are no anomalies, and I really don't know what apparently clever point you think you're trying to make...
Indeed. As mentioned a gazillion times, all our reviews are comparative, and the class-leading products often get a direct mention, as well as being referenced in the 'Also consider' panels in-mag and online.
For example, on the opposite page to the Oppo review in the Awards issue is a First Test of the Epson EH-TW2900 projector, which includes the line.."In this regard, Sanyo's same-priced PLV-Z700 edges the Epson, the Sanyo also appearing a little crisper in some scenes".
Now, in isolation, that Epson is stunning, but put it up against the Sanyo and it just gets pipped; hence a four-star review for the superb but not-quite-the-best Epson and five stars (and an Award win) for the Sanyo.,