Oppo BDP-831?

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Big Aura:
As a point of clarification - It was a reference to locking the thread. You can't really lock a person.

Although I have a set of handcuffs if you wanna borrow them??

Imagine the stand alone test had awarded the Oppo 5 stars and then the group test only 4...you think it's all over? Not a chance...

Not sure if it's been said before
the magazine's written (independant) reviews are (collective) personal opinions - same as Will's. With the utmost respect to Will's tests, I prefer the views of the review team (whoever this is made up of) as they have years of experience with a plethora of kit and I have found the advice given to be useful in my decision to buy my own kit. I don't take it as gospel but it is a pointer in the right direction for me - subject to a demo I may or may not buy a 5,4,3,2,1 star product.

Enjoy whatever kit you have folx - just don't expect everyone to have the same opinion.


I agree. You need one site to give you the technical data. Every other site is an expert opinion. If all the experts agree, then it's a good indicator that it's a good product. If they're divided, then some extra legwork may be required for practical demonstrations. I, like the person with the unpronouncable pseudonym before me, use all these sites as a guide, not a directive. I value them, as the people providing the opinions have a hell of a lot more experience than me and compare these things on a daily basis.

Remember, a 4 star review isn't a BAD review either! It's a Very good one! Everything electronic you ever buy will ALWAYS be outdated/superceded/obsolete within 2 months of buying it!
Cinema Paradiso:

As savvy consumers we surely are, we will of course audition both players and make and informed decision

Ahh there in lies another dent in the Oppo's armour in that being sold (if ever the site actually goes live!) solely via it's own website, it'snot possible to do a audition against other players on your shortlist and AFAIK Oppo do not offer a money back gurantee if you are not happy with the product (tho technically this would be covered by the distance/sales of goods act)

I was/am seriously considering this player as a upgrade to replace both my PS3 and Denon 3930 but various issues like the companys inability to actually get the site up and running and various reports of the sound being not the greatest over the analoge outs have put me off some what. The Sony S760 does look a fine player but that in turn AFAIK is not able to be modded for multi-region playback on either BD or DVD (DVD mulit-region is esentual to me) so that sort of rules the Sony out.

Now Will, I am not sure which "CROWD" you place me into but personally I don't understand why you are getting so hot under the collar about WHSAV giving the Oppo a 4 star rating? 4 stars does not make it a bad product, and is at the end of the day just one group of reviewers oppionon, as is yours giving it a monsterious thumbs up. If you own the player and are 100% happy with it then that is all that matters! My KEF iQ9's "ONLY" scored 4 stars but that neither stopped me buying them and enjoying them, even tho to me personally I would have given them 5 stars I did not feel the need to start accusing the magazine of coruption and dodgey dealings in their choice of awarding ratings to products that may happen to be advertised in the publication.
EDITED BY MODS - please do not discuss moderation.

(It's an automated system, designed to remove offensive words, but unfortunately it's not context-sensitive.)
Andrew, I'm also on the other Forums (most probably the one you refer to, but I agree I do not know what you think 🙂 ) and on the thread dedicated to 83/831 I found no evidence of badmouth you refer to.

The other issue I noticed, is that Will got over 100 thanks from fellow forum members.
I, like the person with the unpronouncable pseudonym before me, use all these sites as a guide, not a directive.


If the above is a referral to moi, it's short for 'Coffin Cheater'. My auld CB 'handle'. When I first started using the net, the full version was too long for most sites so I shortened it to Cofnchtr. Phonetically the same - but it fits the 'password should be no more than 12 letters...' blah that's usually a determining factor on www sites.



Andrew, I'm also on the other Forums (most probably the one you refer to, but I agree I do not know what you think 🙂 ) and on the thread dedicated to 83/831 I found no evidence of badmouth you refer to.

The other issue I noticed, is that Will got over 100 thanks from fellow forum members.

ok. . . .

@ Will, Absolutely spot on with regards to the different views and members making the forums.

@ the cool gang, how do I join, do I have post a particular picture.
Will Harris:To anyone reading this, perhaps for the first time and wondering why someone would want to see a thread locked, it's perhaps worth me pointing out a few quirks that the What Hi-Fi forums have aquired over time.

There is a "cool crew". This group of forum members never rock the boat, generally enjoy ganging up on people who disagree with the accepted wisdom, (if WHF's view can be called wisdom - sometimes it can, not in the case of the Oppo Review in my view). You'll also notice that the "cool crew" like to share witty photographs/cartoons to illustrate their points. Sometimes just to reinforce their membership of said crew. It's a fraternity of sorts.

Jebus Will, how long have you been on the internet? I've been using newsgroups and then web forums since about 1992 and you ALWAYS get a core group of posters, who are responsible for probably 75% of all posts, have an opinion on everything, like to lark around with each other (it's called friendship and having a laugh) and yes sometimes appear to be "defending" a point of view that they share rather more vigourously than perhaps they should. It's called human nature, people like to feel accepted, part of a group, it's a tribal thing, an old charter or a tradition or something.

Everybody is the same, whether they'll admit to it or not. I am, even though I try to pretend I'm some arch maverick, ultimately I just want people to like me, even though I secretly mock them from the comfort of my chair sometimes, and you know what Will, so are you, you might not think you're part of the "Cool Crew" here (and you never will be if you don't start spelling it "Kool Krew") but I guarantee there are plenty of people on "the other forum" who think you're part of that forum's "core characters" and I suspect you're probably aware of that and bask in the warmth of that knowledge, just like everybody else would. That isn't a criticism incidentally, like I said, it's human nature.

Fostered by the WHF staff who usually join in.

Why wouldn't they? It's their forum after all, where else are they going to feel so comfortable?

You'll notice that criticism of the WHF accepted wisdom is not appreciated by the above, whether it be founded in fact or in speculation. The cool crew like to defend the WHF staff and pretty much discourage dissent.

That's no different either, every forum I've ever seen that has a founding member or "staff" present has people who agree, almost religiously, with whatever they say. If you think about it that's not particularly surprising. Ask yourself, why did most of the forum members join here? Because they read the magazine and enjoy it; they already held predominately the same opinions as the people who write the magazine, if they didn't they wouldn't be reading the magazine, because they'd disagree with everything that was in it, so it's no big controversy if the members of the forum appear to agree largely with what the magazine staff say, if they didn't they wouldn't hang around.

Indeed you could question why those who consistently disagree with the opinions and reviews of the magazine and staff bother to come here, particularly those whose join, make one post vehemently accuse the magazine of this that and the other and then are never seen again, I just don't get the logic behind that, seems like a monumental waste of time to me, but there you go.

New posters who have been reading may, at certain points be rather nonplussed by some of the ratings or views espoused by the parent publication. I certainly am, a lot of the time.

Well there again, if that's the case, why do you bother hanging around here? One presumes from the above statement that you don't actually buy the magazine (that would be a waste of money as well as time if you disagree with the majority of reviews in it), so what do you gain from being here? Nothing but irritation it would seem, which isn't a good enough reason for me to stick around anywhere.

Please don't be disheartened or put off from posting, whether it be criticism or praise.

This forum is only as good and as useful as the contributions of those that post here and that includes me, the staff, the cool crew and everyone else. We won't always agree, in fact more often than not we don't, but it would be a pretty ineffective forum without a little debate and differences of views.

You're quite right but there's a difference between differing opinions and debate, which are constructive and the kind of groundless accusations that you quite often sling around, they do nothing but annoy people and probably put off a lot of new members.
DJ Krime, there are places on line selling the s760 with dvd multi region
D.J.KRIME:Cinema Paradiso:

As savvy consumers we surely are, we will of course audition both players and make and informed decision

Ahh there in lies another dent in the Oppo's armour in that being sold (if ever the site actually goes live!) solely via it's own website, it'snot possible to do a audition against other players on your shortlist and AFAIK Oppo do not offer a money back gurantee if you are not happy with the product (tho technically this would be covered by the distance/sales of goods act)

I was/am seriously considering this player as a upgrade to replace both my PS3 and Denon 3930 but various issues like the companys inability to actually get the site up and running and various reports of the sound being not the greatest over the analoge outs have put me off some what. The Sony S760 does look a fine player but that in turn AFAIK is not able to be modded for multi-region playback on either BD or DVD (DVD mulit-region is esentual to me) so that sort of rules the Sony out.

Now Will, I am not sure which "CROWD" you place me into but personally I don't understand why you are getting so hot under the collar about WHSAV giving the Oppo a 4 star rating? 4 stars does not make it a bad product, and is at the end of the day just one group of reviewers oppionon, as is yours giving it a monsterious thumbs up. If you own the player and are 100% happy with it then that is all that matters! My KEF iQ9's "ONLY" scored 4 stars but that neither stopped me buying them and enjoying them, even tho to me personally I would have given them 5 stars I did not feel the need to start accusing the magazine of coruption and dodgey dealings in their choice of awarding ratings to products that may happen to be advertised in the publication.

I have been offered region free DVD S-760 region mod for only £10!!!
Andrew Everard:

gel:I agree with you totally Will Harris

Danger, Will Harris! Danger...


Andrew are you that child??
Andrew are you that child??

<GEEK ALERT> No, that child is Bill Mumy, who subsequently appeared in Babylon 5 with a cornish pasty on his head...
I finally managed to make my Denon 2500bt play anything I want last week! got a multi-region firmware disc from Sevenoaks, which takes care of the DVDs. also, got some US firmware which, once uploaded, plays Region A Blu Rays no problem. Firmware swapping takes care of all my problems!

Only thing is I better pray that there's no power cut during all this swapping. Oh, and someone better call an ambulance for the Denon techs who've keeled over after discovering I'm doing something so stupid (works, though). That'll teach them for not releasing them multi-region in the first place! To be fair to the industry though, there are a lot more region-free discs being released now than region-locked...

....hang on, perhaps this is the wrong thread for this discussion.....
the_lhc:<GEEK ALERT> No, that child is Bill Mumy, who subsequently appeared in Babylon 5 with a cornish pasty on his head...

As ever, the_largehadroncollider speaks wisely...
Andrew Everard:

DocK:So it's an L?

Yes, as he never tires of telling us...

I hate myself for that joke, but I couldn't resist, it's like turning the volume down, I just can't.
DocK:Andrew Everard:

DocK:So it's an L?

Yes, as he never tires of telling us...

I hate myself for that joke, but I couldn't resist, it's like turning the volume down, I just can't.

Just don't ask what the 'C' stands for.
Big Chris:DocK:Andrew Everard:

DocK:So it's an L?

Yes, as he never tires of telling us...

I hate myself for that joke, but I couldn't resist, it's like turning the volume down, I just can't.

Just don't ask what the 'C' stands for.

You know what happens when you ask a child not to do something. . .


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