Oppo BDP-831?

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I would have thought the website be launched by now, i wonder if they have lost any bussiness because of it, with people buying other blu-ray players.
why is it only being sold on line anyway seems like madness to me.i would have probably gone for the new sony anyway but if i had seen one on demo and had really liked it i wouldent have ruled it out.
nodnarb4444:why is it only being sold on line anyway seems like madness to me.i would have probably gone for the new sony anyway but if i had seen one on demo and had really liked it i wouldent have ruled it out.

Madness?? This is.. Link deleted for offensive content - MODS
Ravey Gravey Davy:mg428:mooney0581:

Graphs and tables - I love it 🙂 If you go to audioholics site (US), it has a review of bdp-83 (top right corner) - it is not full ''5 star'' either, but at least I understand why. Oppo review on here mentions sony as a benchmark and that it has better picture (I have not seen one yet, but sure sony will be available in where I live), but what exactly (other than marketing terms provided by sony itself) sony does better -no clue


.. I think it is not fair for a first-time poster to encounter a reply of a forumite saying "is it time to lock this baby?" just because I expressed my views without harming anyone and provided some suggestions on the rating and reviewing system. This is very rude.

Do not worry -he was not referring to you with this comment - he was referring to the complete thread and whether it should be locked -in other words brought to an end before it became silly.

With all due respect, as a non-native English speaker, I don't think he was referring to this particular thread but to my comment, considering that he used the word "baby" and quoted my comment.
mg428:With all due respect, as a non-native English speaker, I don't think he was referring to this particular thread but to my comment, considering that he used the word "baby" and quoted my comment.

I read it as referring to the thread, not the specific comment or poster.
Ravey Gravey Davy:...(the) thread and whether it should be locked -in other words brought to an end before it became silly.
I'm afraid that ship has sailed
mg428:I have been closely keeping an eye on this thread and I observed that mods sometimes ban people, amend their posts, or kindly warn them etc.. I think it is not fair for a first-time poster to encounter a reply of a forumite saying "is it time to lock this baby?" just because I expressed my views without harming anyone and provided some suggestions on the rating and reviewing system. This is very rude.

As a point of clarification - It was a reference to locking the thread. You can't really lock a person.
To anyone reading this, perhaps for the first time and wondering why someone would want to see a thread locked, it's perhaps worth me pointing out a few quirks that the What Hi-Fi forums have aquired over time.

There is a "cool crew". This group of forum members never rock the boat, generally enjoy ganging up on people who disagree with the accepted wisdom, (if WHF's view can be called wisdom - sometimes it can, not in the case of the Oppo Review in my view). You'll also notice that the "cool crew" like to share witty photographs/cartoons to illustrate their points. Sometimes just to reinforce their membership of said crew. It's a fraternity of sorts. Fostered by the WHF staff who usually join in.

You'll notice that criticism of the WHF accepted wisdom is not appreciated by the above, whether it be founded in fact or in speculation. The cool crew like to defend the WHF staff and pretty much discourage dissent.

New posters who have been reading may, at certain points be rather nonplussed by some of the ratings or views espoused by the parent publication. I certainly am, a lot of the time. Please don't be disheartened or put off from posting, whether it be criticism or praise.

This forum is only as good and as useful as the contributions of those that post here and that includes me, the staff, the cool crew and everyone else. We won't always agree, in fact more often than not we don't, but it would be a pretty ineffective forum without a little debate and differences of views.
Read my lips - It's. Not. Being. Locked.

And much though I'm tempted to post a point by point rebuttal of that bizarre post, which attacks other Forum members from a lofty position of higher understanding, I really can't be bothered to pander to that particular ego any more...
Will, why are you being like this? I've never seen anything like this before! I know you like the Oppo! I've been reading with great interest your results of the blind testing etc. If I had the money, you probably would have even convinced me to go out and buy one! Surely someone who preaches about something this aggressively can't be wrong??

I can't help but feel that since WHF gave it 4 stars, it's made you go off the rails! If you don't agree with them, fine! It doesn't mean the Oppo's not a good player! They're not the only people who have given it 4 stars! It's just an opinion, remember! They've compared it (even if it's just sitting on a couch watching) with something else and found that other thing to be better. Maybe they're right. Maybe they're wrong. Your opinion is just as valid as theirs, but the way you've been coming across sine the review is a little scary.....
The only time ive EVER seen someone defend something so 'precious' to them as badly as Will was Gollum
Hey Will,

I don't think that there is a problem with you expressing your opinion regarding a product. If you feel that the Oppo is the better player, then in my humble opinion as a fellow and equal member of the forum I have absolutely no objection to this being expressed. I don't think that anyone else does either. After all, isn't that what forums are all about. It's a place where we can learn from each other. I'm sure that some of your posts stating the benefits of the Oppo will be / have been of benefit to some people.

However like any discussion it has to be balanced. The problem is that, in the face of a magazine displaying a different opinion to yours (although not vastly different as the benefits of the Oppo have been stated several times) you have resorted to making unfounded allegations of corruption. That is what has made this discussion silly.

I don't know what you do for a living, but how would you feel if you expressed a valid opinion at work and someone publicly announced that you only have that opinion because your getting cash on the side?
aliEnRIK:The only time ive EVER seen someone defend something so 'precious' to them as badly as Will was Gollum

I was tempted to post the CPN is on his/her way but you have effectively beaten me to it,
I have just joined this forum so I guess I am not cool enough yet to be part of any gang

But in any case, for what is worth, I rather I stick to the wisdom of those who had the chance to test both players (sony vs Oppo) rather than challenging it without having even seen the new contestant

Put it this way, it can only be good if there's a new player that it is better than the very good one that already existed. Which is the very nature of the consumer electronic industry; things get superseded rather quickly

As savvy consumers we surely are, we will of course audition both players and make and informed decision then

Till then, as much as home cinema is my hobby, this thread is boring me to death..

move on

It was an observation, born out by many replies over many threads. It just needed to be said. It's not an attack as Andrew likes to suggest all comments by me are, but if you thought some people's reactions on here were strange, including mine, then it's really just a note about how the forum can be, in my view.

I'm really not off the rails you know. I just ride on a different track.

Like I said, the colour and difference in the contributions made, is what gives the forums their life, the point at the bottom of which is not to be put off by some of the negative posts. (Otherwise I'd have stopped posting a long time ago!).
Now he thinks he knows what I'm thinking, too...

All I said was that your latest missive was bizarre: I just thought it was probably meant for the forum where you regularly badmouth this site, and posted here by mistake
As the title of the Magazine is suggesting - you can always find an answer to the question "WHAT" to buy, not that offten an answer to "WHY"
I would love to see yet another AV magazine - WHY HiFi

I would prefer WHF to be more educational. It is more prescriptive rather than descriptive and that is why so much confusion and even mistrust sometimes. I even question my doctor when he prescribes some pills - do I really need it, would homeopatic drugs be enough (I am not sure he is not under influence of drug making companies
) to sell those particular pills.

But one thing I am sure off - it is OK to ask questions and expect some answers. For some answers provided are sufficient, for some not. I can not honestly tell so far I found an evidance that as regards BDP, is that the new Sony is better than Oppo. I guess wait and see. Many consumers will rely blindly on WHF star ratings and conlusions - I am not. Should I be bothered that others will be following the advice - I guess not. I understand Will's good will to 'fight' big multinational company and promote something that is allegedly better. I am on Will's side regarding content, but not the way he presents his ideas sometime. I do have to agree he tried on many occasions to provide a very helpfull insight.
I have been away for a little while and come back to a 65 pages thread

So is the Oppo is really that good then? (please save me from reading 65 pages!)


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