Oh NO! Cables again!!

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Well-known member
I'll never understand why people think it's worth 'sharing' videos of their setups - others will only hear sound as good as the kit they are using themselves - in my case the cheap speakers built into my laptop. Similar to those who post videos of the records they are listening to - both are very definitely not 'all about the music' to my mind. All rather self-congratulatory.
i mentioned this once under YouTube video got told where go by a few people, all rather amusing really. Seems to be how people base there purchasing decisions these days.


Well-known member
...mind you, I have heard differences between cartridges, when listening on headphones to YT videos.

But, then there was the video that used a microphone to record cartridge differences through his system.
I had to (diplomatically) point out that his video was useless.... his reply informed me that it was because his recorder had no line input 🤪


Well-known member
Apologies for reactivating this old thread but I just want to share this with those, who see the value in cables.

Humans have veins, without them, we simply can't exist. Same with HiFi, if you don't plug your speaker wires it doesn't function. So never under estimate the importance of cabling!

Pfffthud.....Oooook...just got an arrow in my back :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Anyway if you're not a believer, Amazon speaker cables are really good and costs about £15 a meter.
OK, check out these bad boys below, AliExpress, credit to them for selling these top notch cables, and I am more than 100% pleased with the purchase.


You're right Jason, £15/m is enough to get the electricity from your amp to your speakers etc. The Valhalla pictured above is totally overkill and there's no need for it, but as we all know, there are many HIFI magpies out there who love the expensive shiny bling.
And it’s obviously a Chinese rip-off of the similar looking Nordost. Not that I think genuine Nordost is much more than jewellery foo, but then I’m a bit cynical these days.


Well-known member
And it’s obviously a Chinese rip-off of the similar looking Nordost. Not that I think genuine Nordost is much more than jewellery foo, but then I’m a bit cynical these days.
Genuine Nordost is about £10K a meter! There's no comparison to the kosher product but I will say, it really is well made and excellent throughout. You're paying £95-£100 for meter and a half for these, there's no way you can mistake it for the real thing.

The real Valhalla 2's are pure silver wiring, these have silver plating. I recall making my pure silver cables. I got the naked wiring and inserted the special sheathing made from Teflon, I still have them. I was getting the desired results, really clean sound but were bright sounding. In the end I replaced them with 16 AWG OFC copper wiring, I lost some detail but were more agreeable with the speakers, these gave a better balance.

The simple copper wiring costs me I think less than ten pounds and the pure silver wiring, including the material and reel of 4% silver soldering, I better not say, but it was a lesson learnt, not everything that's expensive is necessarily better.
I think those bright sounding silver cables would be better match for speakers that are more laid back in their presentation.

I didn't purchase these faux cables because of the magic Nordost branding, I genuinely wanted flat speaker wire to manage better my cabling. The old python like cabling was sticking out from the sides and nervous it would get knocked and send everything tumbling down.

In all honesty, I would rather they call it by another name or kept to their generic branding because it distracts from the integrity of the product. It isn't genuine but it is quality speaker cable. I was surprised by the quality both in terms of construction and sound quality - ooops I said that dirty word :)

The Ataudio interconnect cable on the other hand, closely resemble the Nordost Odin but they did the smart thing, they labelled it as their own brand, and I think that was the right approach.

View: https://youtu.be/Uh_0QP9oanw?si=_bohPIp_NY7-3x1w
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Well-known member
I would still love to know how exotic speaker leads change the sound, when amplifier terminals, speaker terminals and internal speaker crossover and voice coil windings are made from much cheaper materials, such as brass and normal industrial copper. People need to stop deluding themselves. If you believe you hear an improvement, that's fine, but you need to prove these things to non believers, such as myself, via blind listening tests, which can be repeated without error. Never gonna happen.


Well-known member
I would still love to know how exotic speaker leads change the sound, when amplifier terminals, speaker terminals and internal speaker crossover and voice coil windings are made from much cheaper materials, such as brass and normal industrial copper. People need to stop deluding themselves. If you believe you hear an improvement, that's fine, but you need to prove these things to non believers, such as myself, via blind listening tests, which can be repeated without error. Never gonna happen.
I don't think it's my place to convince you.
It's our personal journal into Hifi, real or imagined
Essentially you find your best spot and if it makes you happy, well that's terrific.
Hifi has so many facets and no one should be racing to the moon to prove a point.
I don't care for the science, I don't care if it is the placebo effect. If my ears like it, it's good enough for me.
But yeah always good to have a discussion and I respect your opinions Pod. Nice one 👍


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