gel said:Whats the magenta tinge to the sides?Oldboy said:Looks good to me gel.
Will dig out black hawk down tonight and add a few photos of mine for comparison if you like? I'm definitely thinking calibration will be of great benefit to my OLED gel as I'm not entirely happy with the picture even after a good delve into the settings.
I'm still unhappy with the magenta tinge to the sides but apart from that I'm very happy so far *smile*
Hi mate, these are during the day. Yes please to some pictures. Yep, THX mode is much better, I don't know why I have been using normal mode now! Doh. *biggrin*Oldboy said:Are those shots taken during day or night viewing gel?
That has just reminded me that I promised some photos of my OLED in action didn't completely escaped me but I will upload some I promise.
Your shots look good to me though and the THX mode does seem a bit better than those you uploaded earlier *good*
Yep, just watching mine now. Cool.Oldboy said:Agreed. My plasma was always better at night and it's really nice to be able to enjoy no loss of black quality during the day 🙂
True. I think Pioneer's black levels are more radiant at night time though with the green panel.Son_of_SJ said:Surely most plasmas, not only Panasonic. I should know. And I don't particularly mind, because I watch all four of my plasmas in subdued daylight, not with the curtains open.
No, they were all took during the day. I will try and do some night time ones too for you.nugget2014 said:watched this film other day and i only recall 1 scene of the captured man and that was daytime. in that scene you took photo of it looks like its night time? so either i missed that scene or it magically turned the background pitch black..i need to demo an oled in person it got me curious!
I am just using THX mode I can't be bothered with calibration because the same Blu-Ray looked very similar then. How much are you charging for calibration these days?ellisdj said:Gel what picture settings are you using?
Have you set your brightness using a test pattern?
Have you checked the contrast using a test pattern because those images look really overexposed and totally crushing detail? You can download free test patterns I think you can improve that image no end
Look at the lego picture the king sitting on the throne there is no detail at all there is all just one colour? Thats not right
Or Zods face - there is hadow one side and no detail on the light side - that is not right either mate.
You should be able to get much better image from that set - based on those photos