multi-channel analogue BD players


New member
Aug 13, 2008
My sony S550 BD player may be on the way out as it is refusing to recognise some BDs that it has previously played whilst still playing many and I can't find why that could possibly be on the interweb. Any clues?

Actually my main reason for posting was wondering whether there any current BD players that have multi-channel analogue outputs?


i would check if there is a firmware update for the player if it is refusing some discs
Thanks for the replies so far.

I think panasonic is 2 years it seems that none of the 2011 players have them which sucks.

I've never updated the firmware which I ought to do, but that surely can't explain why 3months or so ago I happily watched Bourne ultimatum and now it refuses to read the disc, which is clean with no scratches...very strange.
It depends on how you want to spend ... If you have 500 pounds, you have no doubt in Counseling Cambridge Audio, but if you want something cheaper you recommend the LG BD390, I have one and so far is proving to be an excellent BD, and Multi ch output, the main reason of having bought in the first place!
Depends how much you want to spend ... If you have 500 pounds, I have no doubt in Counseling Cambridge Audio, but if you want something cheaper I would advise the LG BD390, I have one and so far is proving to be an excellent BD, and Multi ch output, the main reason for the have bought in the first place!
Okay thanks for the replies, my system doesn't warrant any more than £200 (at most) spent on it. I'll have to see how things go with the sony. Might end up having to upgrade AV receiver as well but at least that would open the door to a large range of (cheaper) but brand spanking new BD players with alot more functionality (i.e. web accessability) than what I currently have - there's always a silver lining!
Chisy1 said:
Okay thanks for the replies, my system doesn't warrant any more than £200 (at most) spent on it.

I don't think anyone's sold a BDP with multi-channel outputs for that money in this country. I've got the last Sony model to feature the (the S760) but I paid close to double that. You might be able to find one for that money but I wouldn't count on it.
i have seen a samsung bdc 6900 with 7.1 outputs on amazon
its also a 3d bd player,
i have one myself and its a very good player now only at £159.99 its a steal.
The_Lhc said:
Chisy1 said:
Okay thanks for the replies, my system doesn't warrant any more than £200 (at most) spent on it.

I don't think anyone's sold a BDP with multi-channel outputs for that money in this country. I've got the last Sony model to feature the (the S760) but I paid close to double that. You might be able to find one for that money but I wouldn't count on it.

I know I paid £219 for the S550, but that was 3 (or maybe longer) years ago and I'd hoped they'd kept this type of set up going, but no-one seems to have done in the last year or so and certainly not at this price point. It still only seems to be the Bourne discs that aren't working now...all very odd and until it decides not to recognise other discs I think I've now decided (lack of cash!) that I'm going have to put up with it and save up in the meantime!!

I don't tend to follow the market until things break (i.e. I'm not a serial upgrader!) when I have to play catch up so thanks for all the other replies giving hints at some possible players should it give up.

Chisy1 said:
The_Lhc said:
Chisy1 said:
Okay thanks for the replies, my system doesn't warrant any more than £200 (at most) spent on it.

I don't think anyone's sold a BDP with multi-channel outputs for that money in this country. I've got the last Sony model to feature the (the S760) but I paid close to double that. You might be able to find one for that money but I wouldn't count on it.

I know I paid £219 for the S550, but that was 3 (or maybe longer) years ago and I'd hoped they'd kept this type of set up going, but no-one seems to have done in the last year or so and certainly not at this price point. It still only seems to be the Bourne discs that aren't working now...all very odd and until it decides not to recognise other discs I think I've now decided (lack of cash!) that I'm going have to put up with it and save up in the meantime!!

I don't tend to follow the market until things break (i.e. I'm not a serial upgrader!) when I have to play catch up so thanks for all the other replies giving hints at some possible players should it give up.


What receiver do you have? Could be useful to know whether you'd be better saving your money for a new receiver rather than spending out on an outdated player.
Clare, its only a little Cambridge Audio 340R (in silver) connected to the Jamo 'style speakers'.

I needed a slimline receiver as I don't have a lot of space on the wall unit that Mrs Chisy insisted we have. There don't seem to be a lot of slimline AV receivers either...I seem to be restricted in my choices at every turn! However, perhaps my google [other search engines available!] skills aren't good enough

Grateful for any leads...(that's not an invitation to start a discussion on accessories!!)

Like you, I had to invest in an analog multi channel BD player - and now that all new receivers have 7.1 HD decoding built in - all of the new mass-market BD players are HDMI audio only.

I have an old Yamaha DSP-A1. Great old 5.1 amp, but no HDMI, and no 7.1 HD decoding. Still, it's a grunty piece of kit and I wasn't willing or able to upgrade it to a newer receiver. So, I matched it with a Panasonic BD85 which was going as a run-out-last-season's-price. Nice player, good reviews and has that all important analog out stage.

Sure one day I'll go for an Oppo 95, but for now, the Panny is a great deal (if you can still find one).
Looking at that Lindy thing, it doesn't appear that it'll pass HD audio through any of the outputs, the optical output gets re-sampled to 48kHz, according to the specs.
This really is a sad state of affairs, where have all the players with 7.1 analogue output gone?! I too have a trusty old Sony S550, just hope it continues to run for a while yet. Replacing my AV processor just isn't an option, I have a Primare SP31.7 surround processor, their current model with HDMI support is the SP32, which comes in at £3000! Yikes!

There is a few of these boxes that attempt to extract audio from a HDMI stream, which seems fine on the face of it, but you need to speaker setup, level, delay, bass management processing, which is found on these now rare bluray players. Very few AV receivers/processor will digitize the 5.1/7.1 analogue input and perform any DSP on it, most purely pass it straight though and act as nothing more than a volume control.

Looks like the Cambridge Audio and Oppo players are the best options, albeit not very cheap options. Still, their universal disc support is certainly very tempting (SACD, DVD-Audio, HDCD etc) and obviously much better DAC's than our basic Sony S550.
A brief search shows both Amazon and Best Buy have got BDP-S760s for £200. I've got one of these myself and although I'm not utilizing the analogue outs, I can confirm it's a very good player.
Big Chris said:
A brief search shows both Amazon and Best Buy have got BDP-S760s for £200. I've got one of these myself and although I'm not utilizing the analogue outs, I can confirm it's a very good player.

I am, sounds good.


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