Mr P. said:Hi Vladimir;
Saw a few pictures of these while looking around at Quad stuff and they do look amazing. I was speaking to another friend about buying a 'new' amp and he said he thought he had a pair of Wharfedale Ditton 44's at his shop (he's a sound engineer/instrument dealer), with 1 damaged tweeter, and a pair of working 33's, which, if he still has, he'd sell for £125 for both pairs. They've been in his family since the 70's and, although I haven't seen them yet, the only thing wrong is the 1 tweeter (could replace with one from the 33's, I think). Don't think they come with a nice pink jumper, though. The only info I can find seems to be for Celestion Dittons (I guess these are the same - related company?), but they definitely seem to be much-loved for their "rich, warm sound". Do you think these would compliment the Quad amps? I hadn't meant to spend any more for a while, but are these too good to pass up, do you think? Sorry to be asking for advice again, but it's been a real help.
All the Dittons are Celestions, and fine speakers they are too. Never thought my old 44s sounded particularly warm though, especially with the grilles off.