Question Is it possible to “volume cap” a Quad 405 without pre-amp


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2021
I once let go of a Quad 303 (and 33+FM3) before going abroad for over 7 years. I recently thought about buying a 405 and found one in a good condition for little over 200 euro’s.

Little challenge. I already own a streamer / preamp but.. since it’s digital, I don’t always blindly trust it’s volume management.

When opening Spotify it sometimes shoots to 50% volume and that is ok when a max volume can be capped like I do now with the physical volume dial of my Pioneer at 40%, but not a good idea with the quad 405. Let alone if the digital pre-amp’s volume would accidentally shoot up to a 100% having it directly connected to a 405 power amp. I think I might blow some windows out besides our eardrums.

Unfortunately the Quad 44 Pre-Amp is sold separately, but.. in combination with its tuner (all FM tuners followed the way of the dodo in The Netherlands) for 400+ euro’s as a package. And even for half the price I would not really find it worth it to have another pre-amp for only using a volume dial in a fixed position.

I might park the idea of using a classic Quad again in the fridge, unless I can somehow cap the 405 in gain. Then I would give it a second thought.
If you are having problems with volume jumping, then make sure you have the latest update for it, (It should not be doing that) otherwise there may be a hardware problem that needs fixing. (Faulty volume control for example)

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If you are having problems with volume jumping, then make sure you have the latest update for it, (It should not be doing that) otherwise there may be a hardware problem that needs fixing. (Faulty volume control for example)

Not yet experienced it yet with my current device, but once had it with another digital amp. Even with a smaller to minuscule risk I still want to have a cap somewhere. 🙂


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