Message for Thaiman (again) regarding Art Emotion


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I was wondering if i could pick your brains again as I think you may be able to help.....

I pick up some Art Emotions (not sig) next week, I currently have a Plinius CD101 and Leema Tucana, do you think these would not do the speakers justice? Possible change in Amp to Pathos (Logos or Inpol2) or Graaf??

Many Thanks
Do WHF team have any views? I will do some serious listening with the Leema, Plinius, ART, just trying to get a step ahead

The Tucana is pretty good for the price, I heard it with a pair of Neat MF5 and can't fault it really. Why not live with the set up for a while first, find some weakness and work from there?

As for the Emotion, go Valves! I did and wow! the improvement is quite special.

Avoid one box Krell or Densen (from my experienced) and go for the most Analog sounding electronics you can afford, So the Logo could work but watch out for the over power bass (I think Leema might be better on details), GM 50 is rather good (ugly looking thing imo) I know one person that use to run the Graaf with ART but he soon changed to Mcintosh.

Alternatively you could go for Unison Research S8 or DK design (now known as LSA), the latter is well known to have a good synergy with ART Emotion and cheap as chips, Ex demo or even 2nd hand, due to the brand never take off here in UK. Ultimately though, ART Emotion work best with Mcintosh electronics (valves series), Derek Ramsay (ART's director) told me to try it, I did and I couldn't stop listen to music ever since!

Good luck and enjoy....
Thanks, great advice, I will keep the Tucana for a few weeks and see how I get on....what Mc do you use?

MA 2275
igglebert:More expensive than it's own weight in gold

Expensive compare to what?

There aren't many amp around that price can sound like the big Mac (the last amps I own cost £2K more!), in that sense I say it's a bargain.

My friends like to spend money on (smart looking) cars, now that what I call "expensive", I rather keep my 12 years old banger for another 5 years and get thrill by music.

How would you describe the Art Emotion sound. Is it rich, warm ,revealing, bright.........

Non of above! only word I can describe the Emotion is Musical! You soon forget the Hifi boxes that they refuse to tick and just listen to music.
The set up is finished - no more changing

Old System

Plinius CD101 - TCI Cobra - Leema Tucana - Chord Odysey - Wislon bensch Arc

New System

Lector 7t MKII - Nordost SPM - Graaf GM50 - Audience Au24 - Art Emotion
How much space do the Art emotions need compared to the Emotion monitor signature? I have seen s/h Art emotion monitor signature go for the same price as the standard Art emotion - the question is do you think the extra quality of the crossover in the monitor signature is worth the reduction in perhaps palpable presence of the speaker - I don't want the music to be overbearing in my lounge, which is 18" by about 12". Should I discount the Art emotions because the speakers in my room have to be positioned close to the walls, or do you think that the emotions work from that distance.

In terms of discount off RRP, the art emotion monitor signatures are the bigger bargain and considering scale of sound isn't everything I was leaning towards trying to hear the Monitor signature.

Also I was thinking of clearing a lot of money by selling my amp and newly acquired Bryston DAC and getting an MF A1008 amp using it's integrated DAC (which is based on the X-CAN V8). Do you think if doing a a/b test the differences between the bryston and the integrated dac would be that noticeable on 16bit res music (Which all my music is).

Many thanks,
How much space do the Art emotions need compared to the Emotion monitor signature? I have seen s/h Art emotion monitor signature go for the same price as the standard Art emotion - the question is do you think the extra quality of the crossover in the monitor signature is worth the reduction in perhaps palpable presence of the speaker - I don't want the music to be overbearing in my lounge, which is 18" by about 12". Should I discount the Art emotions because the speakers in my room have to be positioned close to the walls, or do you think that the emotions work from that distance.

In terms of discount off RRP, the art emotion monitor signatures are the bigger bargain and considering scale of sound isn't everything I was leaning towards trying to hear the Monitor signature.

Also I was thinking of clearing a lot of money by selling my amp and newly acquired Bryston DAC and getting an MF A1008 amp using it's integrated DAC (which is based on the X-CAN V8). Do you think if doing a a/b test the differences between the bryston and the integrated dac would be that noticeable on 16bit res music (Which all my music is).

Many thanks,


Placement? The Emotion happiest sitting around 6 inches from back wall and clear of side wall although manufacture reckon that if you have a need to place ART in the corners of the room they should be toe in. Listening position should be about 10 foots away at the minimum, imo, as you will get a better soundstage from top to bottom.

The monitor model is base on the same principle as the Emotion but use smaller drivers so I expect them to have an almost the same sound but on the smaller scale (I never own them so can't 100% comment on how they would preform) I had a pair of DECO 10 signature for few days and they were too much for my room while the Emotion sound just right (18" by 26"). I certainly would recomend a smaller Monitor Signature over the Standard Emotion simply becasue of the Jensen crossover/Kondo wiring really make a big different.

Electronic matching, I found they sound best with a natural sounding, certainly not forward sounding machine. Think low watts tubes amp rather than big watts solid state but then again I had a great result with GamuT D150 power house as well as Ecs EA2 welding machine! Class A amp can sound bright (when push hard) with ART so watch out for that too.

I really like MF 1008 (the DAC is exceptable rather fantastic at this level) but I do prefer Bryston's house sound. I wouldn't say I would put them with ART though. Don't get me wrong, they still would sound superb, just not the best that ART can do.

all the best

PS. I haven't got ART any more, I did fancy a change and went for A.D.A.M speakers. certainly not an upgrade but very different approach to reproduction of music.