marantz pm8005 upgrade to abrahamsen 2up

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radiorog said:
Good review, cheers for sharing. I'm keen to hear how the Abe compares to the superb k3, which has all the characteristics you mention for the abrahmsen.

I see the lack of phono stage actually a big pro, not a con. Why pay money for something that I do not want?
i would say that the abrahmsen is a lot better then rosken k3 i had a demo of a k3 i found it to be a bit basic sounding for the money your paying for one £1299 abrahmsen 2up £899 and the bulid is a lot better on abrahmsen . phono to me is as i was thinking of getting a record player this year but i am sure i could buy a phono stage for the abrahmsen
Blacksabbath25 said:
radiorog said:
Good review, cheers for sharing. I'm keen to hear how the Abe compares to the superb k3, which has all the characteristics you mention for the abrahmsen.

I see the lack of phono stage actually a big pro, not a con. Why pay money for something that I do not want?
i would say that the abrahmsen is a lot better then rosken k3 i had a demo of a k3 i found it to be a bit basic sounding for the money your paying for one £1299 abrahmsen 2up £899 and the bulid is a lot better on abrahmsen . phono to me is as i was thinking of getting a record player this year but i am sure i could buy a phono stage for the abrahmsen

If I want few dB louder with not very difficult to drive speakers, I would go for the Roksan. If I had very low impedance and nasty phase shifting speakers, I would go for the Abe. Both have the build quality on par, built to survive the apocalypse (but maybe not couriers).
Haven't been following this thread properly. And here I thought you'd dropped the Idea of getting the Ab.

Congratulations, sounds like a lustworthy piece of kit. As good as the Marantz is, it's still relatively entry level. Certainly lacks the pride of ownership of your new amp. Nothing like an amp with a decent bit of weight to it.
Fair dos BS. I'm hoping to get a listen to an Abe soon so I will see if it lives up to the hype. I have no issues with the roksan sound quality myself. And I cannot fault the k3 build. It is pretty much flawless. They have fixed the issue with the wobbly volume knob so it is a totally solid bit of kit.

Enjoy the amp, its obviously a belter.
ID. said:
Haven't been following this thread properly. And here I thought you'd dropped the Idea of getting the Ab.

Congratulations, sounds like a lustworthy piece of kit. As good as the Marantz is, it's still relatively entry level. Certainly lacks the pride of ownership of your new amp. Nothing like an amp with a decent bit of weight to it.
the marantz is still a very good amp for the money your paying but the abrahamsen is in a different league to the marantz in sound quality if you want that extra bit of detail as long as your running good set of speakers which I think helps with that detail your on to a winner . The roskin k3 in bulld is not built as good as the abrahamsen amp no way nothing on the abrahamsen is plastic it's built like a tiger tank it's truly value for money . I thought the roskin sounded clinical no warmth to the sound maybe when I had my demo they did not put the right kind of speakers to suit the k3 but then this was richer sounds we are talking about here
MajorFubar said:
Very nice write-up, thank you for taking the time to write it.
thank you for your kind words I did the write up late last night so was getting tired so glad it's ok and hope it helps someone who's thinking of getting one and if I can answer anyone questions about this amp I will do my. Best to answer them
I certainly wouldn't class the K3 as clinical at all - warmish for sure. You have to be honest - you didn't hear the K3 in an a/b demo with the "Abe" through the same speakers. If I hear a "clinical" amp through neutral/transparent speakers it sounds clinical - a "warm" amp - it sounds warm - no surprises! Aural memory is very poor at the best of times. I know Richer sounds isn't "bespoke" but it was your demo - don't blame them or the speakers.

I am sure the Abe is a great sounding amp - glad you like it so much - but it does appear you were pretty much a cert to buy it regardless. (from the content of your posts anyway).

enjoy - tonky
tonky said:
I certainly wouldn't class the K3 as clinical at all - warmish for sure. You have to be honest - you didn't hear the K3 in an a/b demo with the "Abe" through the same speakers. If I hear a "clinical" amp through neutral/transparent speakers it sounds clinical - a "warm" amp - it sounds warm - no surprises! Aural memory is very poor at the best of times. I know Richer sounds isn't "bespoke" but it was your demo - don't blame them or the speakers.

I am sure the Abe is a great sounding amp - glad you like it so much - but it does appear you were pretty much a cert to buy it regardless. (from the content of your posts anyway).

enjoy - tonky
it's only my opinion on the k3 I am sure people look at that amp differently to me I just did not like it and your right it's not like you can go down to richer sounds and do a side by side demo on the k3 / Abrahamsen it's something your got to find out your self
It beholds the auditioner to sort/arrange a fair demo otherwise (inmho) it's pretty much pointless and hardly worth commenting on. As for Richer Sounds it is possible to do the side by side demo - either use what they have in stock or bring equipment with you. Otherwise (inmho) it's quite pointless. Maybe you were just reinforcing what was already in your mind about different amps. Don't forget Richer are always open customers taking home equipment to listen to. I've done that a few times with them. - I'd love to get a listen to the Abe out of interest to see/hear? if the hype is worth it. No suppliers near to me though - but I am happy with what I have so in no rush.

cheers - now listen to the music - tonky
tonky said:
It beholds the auditioner to sort/arrange a fair demo otherwise (inmho) it's pretty much pointless and hardly worth commenting on. As for Richer Sounds it is possible to do the side by side demo - either use what they have in stock or bring equipment with you. Otherwise (inmho) it's quite pointless. Maybe you were just reinforcing what was already in your mind about different amps. Don't forget Richer are always open customers taking home equipment to listen to. I've done that a few times with them. - I'd love to get a listen to the Abe out of interest to see/hear? if the hype is worth it. No suppliers near to me though - but I am happy with what I have so in no rush.

cheers - now listen to the music - tonky
i am blacksabbath first album sounds amazing
Their best - a great album - just listen to the rainfall - "figure in black points at me"" - shiver down the spine. Saw them live in Liverpool late 1970 I think after Paranoid had been released - astounding live gig!.

tonky - reminisce mode!
tonky said:
Their best - a great album - just listen to the rainfall - "figure in black points at me"" - shiver down the spine. Saw them live in Liverpool late 1970 I think after Paranoid had been released - astounding live gig!.

tonky - reminisce mode!
yes seen them myself but without bill ward playing drums as he was ill at the time but the first black sabbath album has always been the best album in my mind and play it all the time and if you think how much it cost them to record this album i think it was some like £1000 back then in 1969 -1970
A lot of "first albums" from bands at that time - and from any other time for that matter had a "special something" as a new style of music was unleashed. Led Zep 1, Crosby Stills and Nash to name two.

Not a "first" album - but still a classic - I bet you must know it - Deep Purple in Rock.

cheers tonky
right one thing i found with the 2up amp when your playing some classic rock like AC / DC say fly on the wall the amp lacks bass waight on the drums which i am not sure if its the amp or the album ? if i play manowar there is lots of bass waight now i just found out by trying an input on the back of the 2up which i found out that its a pre-out which the manual says its for home cinema to connect to av which is pre -out so i put my 8005 in the mix and useing the 2up as a power amp and the 8005 as pre i have the treble running on the 2up and the bass running on the 8005 which is bi amping now play the same album fly on the wall i now have more bass waight on the drums how come the 2up can not do the same on its own ?
Dare I say because it's not a Marantz...*biggrin*

I really do enjoy your threads Sabbath, you are always so honest it's refreshing *good*
DougK said:
Dare I say because it's not a Marantz...*biggrin*

I really do enjoy your threads Sabbath, you are always so honest it's refreshing *good*
yes I know I aim to please I am happy with this new amp it's just weird how it controls bass that's all it just maybe the recording and not the amp
Hi Doug,

Took the words out of my mouth.........

Hi Tonky,

Agree. My last year at school and a mate (a wealthy one!) came back with a clutch of albums that I had never heard of. Transformational:

Black Sabbath Paranoid, Pink Floyd Ummagumma, King Crimson, Court of the Crimson King, Led Zep 1&2 and Jimi Hendric's Electric Ladyland
Blacksabbath25 said:
right one thing i found with the 2up amp when your playing some classic rock like AC / DC say fly on the wall the amp lacks bass waight on the drums which i am not sure if its the amp or the album ? if i play manowar there is lots of bass waight now i just found out by trying an input on the back of the 2up which i found out that its a pre-out which the manual says its for home cinema to connect to av which is pre -out so i put my 8005 in the mix and useing the 2up as a power amp and the 8005 as pre i have the treble running on the 2up and the bass running on the 8005 which is bi amping now play the same album fly on the wall i now have more bass waight on the drums how come the 2up can not do the same on its own ?

next upgrade. Hegel 160?
Animesh Ghose said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
right one thing i found with the 2up amp when your playing some classic rock like AC / DC say fly on the wall the amp lacks bass waight on the drums which i am not sure if its the amp or the album ? if i play manowar there is lots of bass waight now i just found out by trying an input on the back of the 2up which i found out that its a pre-out which the manual says its for home cinema to connect to av which is pre -out so i put my 8005 in the mix and useing the 2up as a power amp and the 8005 as pre i have the treble running on the 2up and the bass running on the 8005 which is bi amping now play the same album fly on the wall i now have more bass waight on the drums how come the 2up can not do the same on its own ?

next upgrade. Hegel 160?
no if I was it would be the Hegel 300 I like what I got just not understanding how this amp works out the bass
Hi BS try it the other way round the Abrahamsen controlling the bass, will be even better than the 8005 on these duties. When "any" amp is required to do two duties its going to share its power and control between two set of drivers. You already noticed an improvement over the 8005 in normal integrated mode. That why 2 V4.0UP's in bridged mode driving a single pair of speakers each sound so much better, one set of speaker outputs driving the bass, one driving the treble sounds even better and you have lots of Watts on hand! But it all costs!
You cant passive bi-amp with 2 different amplifiers as they have different amounts of gain. Your marantz is playing louder than the abe, hense more bass weight.
Am I reading this right BS, you prefer the Abrahamsen? But you posted when I connect both amps it sounded even better? That's what I read! Of course 2 amps sound better other posters its like having two engines rather than one. And why the V2.0UP sounds much better than a V2.0 standard and why folks buy external PSU upgrade for ther Naim's or buy the Hi Cap! Given integrated V2.0UP sounded better than Integrated 8005. It follows that the Bi amp config wil sound even better with Abrahamsen on Bass duties, that is what they are very good at like the Hegel.
iQ Speakers said:
Hi BS try it the other way round the Abrahamsen controlling the bass, will be even better than the 8005 on these duties. When "any" amp is required to do two duties its going to share its power and control between two set of drivers. You already noticed an improvement over the 8005 in normal integrated mode. That why 2 V4.0UP's in bridged mode driving a single pair of speakers each sound so much better, one set of speaker outputs driving the bass, one driving the treble sounds even better and you have lots of Watts on hand! But it all costs!
like I said I am happy with the amp and it's got good bass on heavier bass tracks but when playing classic bands like AC/DC were before with the 8005 it had the Weight in the drum bass but the 2up is not so heavy with band like this or older bands like black sabbath but anything modern then yes loads of deep bass . Yes I know I should use the power amp thing with the 2up the other way round but wanted to see if the marantz sorted the older bands out with a bit more bass Weight which it has which is strange because the 2up should do this anyway . So those 2 inputs are pre-out so you could use 1 of the abrahamsen power amps ?


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