Blacksabbath25 said:
his dudeness said:
with regards some old rock ac dc and so on i find the better your system gets the worse some of it sounds,always thought fly on the wall,was a awful sounding album,even back in black,hence i play this stuff with the sub on,that sorts it out.*biggrin*
yes this was my thinking too I have all the AC/DC albums and yes if you play the latest album rock or bust it's lovely with the bass I also found it with lead Zeppelin too lacking on bass but funny how the marantz was OK in that department but the abrahamsen handles bass better then the marantz?
I think it is jut a case of the Abrahamsen having much tighter control of the bass, so on modern recording that really do have deep powerful bass that is exactly what you get.
But with older recordings that don't have as much deep powerful bass because the were probably mixed for vinyl the Abrahamsen controls the bass with no overhang and you get the tight punch bass that is on the recording that can sound a little bass light .
The Marantz is probably adding bass distorting due to lack of driver control making the older recordings sound a little warmer, deeper and fuller, but the modern bassy recordings probably sound sloppy, loose and boomy compared to the Abrahamsen .
You are just getting more of the truth of the recording *smile* .