Blacksabbath25 said:
If the amplifier is set to 2.83V, the 4 ohm speaker will draw 2 watts of power from the amplifier while an 8 ohm speaker draws 1 watt. (Power = Voltage2/resistance. So, 2.832 = 8. 8/8ohms = 1 watt.) This potentially gives the 4 ohm speaker a +3dB SPL advantage over the 8 ohm speaker for a given input level .
Only if both speakers have the same sensitivity and ohm, since the 4 ohm speakers are 89db and the 8 ohm speakers are 92db, the amp is the same theres, no difference in max spl
10 watt will make the focal louder then 10 watt for the dalis by 3 db