gasolin said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Oie said:
I don't hear anything under 20. Too low until 27. Ok for background music at 30. 35 it's fine most of the time. At 40 I start to feel guilty for my neighbors and at 45 for my hearing😉
On jriver I use internal volume set at 100% so 64bit and "all volume" dictated by the amp.
hi its sorted out now ... why mine is not the same as yours its down to my speakers as they are 4 ohms and yours are 8ohms so mine need a little bit more power to get going and someone said the same about there amp too running on 4ohms that they needed the same volume as me
No at 30 or 40 both speakers should be equally loud, at max volume theres 140 watt for the dali but only 70 for the focal but since the focals are 3 db more sensitive max spl is the same
Dali need a 3 db more power to be equally loud as the foacls but in the end the amp play 3 db loud since the dalis are 4 ohm speakers and again both play the same spl at the same setting of the volume
gasolin, I think you may be double-counting. The 3dB sensitivity is the difference, i.e. noticeably louder. The Dali's are simply less sensitive, as sensitivity is measured ref a 1 watt/ 8 ohm level.
That would account for the diffeence. (I posted more detail a few posts above, no 350)