Mains Cables

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All we need now is for my friend heathpw to join this thread......

Here we go again......
The Tacima has a filter (choke) which reduces the mains pops and crackles caused by appliances and central heating switching on and off. The cables are just pieces of wire that do nothing.

As it is a mains block you can plug all your gear into it using the supplied cables. I must admit I dont use one as I dont appear to have a mains problem.
grdunn123:can you still buy graphic equalizers?? ?I remember seeing them years ago with all those slider controls and flashing lights and thinking that they looked wonderful!

Hi grdunn123

Yes, from shops/suppliers generally dealing with pro equipment. Yes, i also think graphic equalizers look great with spectrum analyzers.

Al the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Andrew Everard:
grdunn123:can you still buy graphic equalizers?? ?I remember seeing them years ago with all those slider controls and flashing lights and thinking that they looked wonderful!

I assume Musicraft sell them, since Rick mentioned them.

Hi Andrew

I don't sell any graphic equalizers.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
grdunn123:Rick, I'm looking for a Kenwood graphic equalizer??

Hi grdunn123

I used to own a Trio 9 band GEQ with spectrum analyzers.
I'll inform you if i come across a Trio/Kenwood GEQ.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

1. The "choke" in the Tacima restricts the maximum deliverable current and only source componants should be placed on it.

2. Amps should NOT be plugged into the tacima otherwise the headroom is restricted.

3. Bundled mains cables are mass produced using low skilled labour and cheap material.

4. Aftermarket mains cables use better quality connectors and componants.

5. All mains cables emit RFI and Magnetic interference, see lenz law and faradays law.

6. All cables act as aerials (mains and interconnects)

7. The sheilding benefits of more expensive mains cables stops No 5 above from interfering with the interconnects etc.

8. Mains cables and signal cables should be kept as far apart as possible

9. Power supplies and power amps should be kept as far away as possible from pre amps.

So yes, mains cables do make a difference.
I'm going to stick my neck into the controversy here.

I'm absolutely certain mains cables may or may not make a difference.

That, gentlemen, is the end of the story.
True Blue:

1. The "choke" in the Tacima restricts the maximum deliverable current and only source componants should be placed on it.

2. Amps should NOT be plugged into the tacima otherwise the headroom is restricted.

3. Bundled mains cables are mass produced using low skilled labour and cheap material.

4. Aftermarket mains cables use better quality connectors and componants.

5. All mains cables emit RFI and Magnetic interference, see lenz law and faradays law.

6. All cables act as aerials (mains and interconnects)

7. The sheilding benefits of more expensive mains cables stops No 5 above from interfering with the interconnects etc.

8. Mains cables and signal cables should be kept as far apart as possible

9. Power supplies and power amps should be kept as far away as possible from pre amps.

So yes, mains cables do make a difference.


I plugged and unplugged my tacima into my amp and wall and prefered it in the tacima, it had better kick and much more detail. Thats just me.

I think the tacima makes a difference, as far as mains go.....

If they were a NORMAL price eg. 10-30.00 and they didnt rip people off, Like serious, it does not cost 300.00 to make a mains cable, they are taking the.........

I'm going to stick my neck into the controversy here.

I'm absolutely certain mains cables may or may not make a difference.

That, gentlemen, is the end of the story.

Here Grottyash.... Take a seat.

this thread reminds me that I must at some point upgrade my mains cable into my PC - so that I can improve my overclocks 🙂

and I must replace the monitor one too - so I get better PQ

Hi Jase, sorry I have defected to the other side.

Making cables lead to reading up on materials to use and the contradiction that different materials and means of construction end up all, according to the different makers, resulting in improvements.

Then further reading lead to a lot of blind tests. I found that with speakers blind tests tend to find differences, with bit rates, amps and CDPs there are differences, but not so easy to spot. But with cables, nothing. One was a very well run test of mains cables and people reported hearing a difference between the same cable! (Four cables were disguised with the same covering and two were the same).

There are very good placebo, psychoacoustic and justification of purchase reasons why cables can be perceived to sound different. But that is in the mind and not the cable.

Your 'blind' belief in those tests is where your falling down
Hi grdunn123

I would rather buy a graphic equalizer then many expensive interconnects.

At detriment to the signal
idc:It is not an argument, it is a fact. Mains cables do not make a difference. I rest my case..........

Theyve been 'measured' to make a difference

Its a fact

You know this
measured to make a difference to the input ? which is fair enough. its whether the "improvements" to the input actually make any difference past the devices internal power supply or not, who knows what level of filtering, possibly quite sophisticated that internal power supply uses

but where is it actually measured to make a difference to the output of the device, be it a TV, amp, CD player ? I haven't seen any such tests - have you ?
Hi Jase, sorry I have defected to the other side.

Making cables lead to reading up on materials to use and the contradiction that different materials and means of construction end up all, according to the different makers, resulting in improvements.

Then further reading lead to a lot of blind tests. I found that with speakers blind tests tend to find differences, with bit rates, amps and CDPs there are differences, but not so easy to spot. But with cables, nothing. One was a very well run test of mains cables and people reported hearing a difference between the same cable! (Four cables were disguised with the same covering and two were the same).

There are very good placebo, psychoacoustic and justification of purchase reasons why cables can be perceived to sound different. But that is in the mind and not the cable.

Your 'blind' belief in those tests is where your falling down

idc has made cables himself, & his research on the subject certainly carries more weight than any of "shouting over the top" arguments. You don't believe in "blind tests" because they don't agree with your beliefs. But a blinded study is considered to be the most reliable way to test products & drugs in the research world, including medicine.

idc: Making cables lead to reading up on materials to use and the
contradiction that different materials and means of construction end up
all, according to the different makers, resulting in improvements.

idc:It is not an argument, it is a fact. Mains cables do not make a difference. I rest my case..........

Theyve been 'measured' to make a difference

Its a fact

You know this

"Measureable difference" does not automatically lead to a "perceived difference".

It's a fact.

You know this.
bigboss - you mean like if you pumped up your car tyres using a standard guage and say got them to 29.99 PSI vs the manufacturers recommended 30PSI

but then went out and spend a grand on a super accurate guage, and could pump them up to exactly 30.00PSI - yes its an improvement

would you notice when driving ?
Buckshar: bigboss - you mean like if you pumped up your car tyres using a standard guage and say got them to 29.99 PSI vs the manufacturers recommended 30PSI

but then went out and spend a grand on a super accurate guage, and could pump them up to exactly 30.00PSI - yes its an improvement

would you notice when driving ?

Can we just accept that some believe and hear differences, and others don't?

Maybe some people have more sensitive ears to sound changes?

Bottom line is I'm bored of people insisting that others are wrong with this topic.......
My local AV dealer who makes cables basically said that unless you have good equipment then you're not going to notice a difference. He was talking in the context of HiFi, but he nominated a figure of about the £12000 mark for your setup before the differences became apparent.

That might also explain why virtually 100% of HiFi and AV magazines clearly hear or see differences, since their test gear for cables of all sorts is probably in this sort of price bracket, and I sincerely doubt they'd be finding differences where there were none.
As an amateur radio enthusiast you can make an aerial out of any bits of copper even central heating pipe & if the feed wiring is not up to scratch then your equipment can pick up all sorts of RF noise. The feeds should use the best grade wire & preferably at least double shielded.

As to mains wiring, this can also pick up RF noise through radio transmissions especially from a badly tuned broadcasting antenna like taxi's. Tv's & other electrical equipment put out RF & can cause harmonics up into higher frequencys, so therefore yes it would make a difference if it is well shielded. As to the quality of the different brands of mains cable it is difficult to tell, but was I to get one, I would NOT go for the most expensive, just a double shielded mains lead should suffice with the Tacima which has built in smoothing.

I have two Tacima's & I use them with my amp, in my case it does not strangle, in fact it sounds better IMHO & the OH's, the V Hd box, Blu-Ray players including ps3, Freeview dvd hdd, computers, wifi, the only thing not plugged into it is my subwoofer as I have run out of sockets. All of my connections are no more than 1 metre Long except for the speakers. Speaker wire can also pick up stray RF, having had that problem in the past with a local taxi company using just above the 2 metre radio amateur band, i just altered the length of the wire which cured the problem.

I plugged and unplugged my tacima into my amp and wall and prefered it in the tacima, it had better kick and much more detail. Thats just me.

It's me too, Canada16, when I had the Tacima. All my amps were always plugged in.


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