hg said:shkumar4963 said:And look what happened when I auditioned more than 5 speakers. If I had not, I would have always thought I made a mistake in choosing speakers.
You are confident these are the best speakers for you even though others have said they prefer different speakers and as a desk speaker/small monitor/nearfield monitor they lack the output to function as main speakers in a room at reference level. Are you able to identify the postive aspects that for you outweigh these negative aspects?
Shkumar is currious why Stereophile has chosen the LS50 as Class A over many more expensive and more full range speakers on the market, including the PMCs, B&Ws, Paradigms etc. They are in the same class as Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution ($22,000), TAD Compact Reference CR1 ($42,000), Vienna Acoustics Klimt The Kiss ($15,000) and Vivid Audio B1 ($15,000).
I am currious what is the reason people preffer a small 4 inch woofer that is basically a midrange driver on steroids (began it's life as a dedicated midrange driver), over many 2-ways and 3-ways with properly developed midbass drivers or even full blown low bass woofers. It is interesting to know at what extent the marketing and groupthink hype is converting the LS50 design flaws and compromises into strengths and preferences.