J River Update


Well-known member
I am currently using MC15, skipped MC16 as couldn't see any benefit from an audio point of view. Now MC17 is released, it has the ability to better handle audiophile tracks apparently, admitedly I skim read the email, and now have deleted it so can't recall the details. Just wondering of anyone has upgraded to it, and is it worth the $20 or so for it over MC15?


Well-known member
These are the upgrades that appeaer to be interesting perhaps...

"Resample by Sample Rate -- set MC17 to output any sample rate for each"

"DSD bitstreaming over ASIO -- Super Audio CD quality if your equipment" I don't use ASIO so irrelevant for me.

"384,000 Hz upsampling, 1GB memory playback, low-shelf / high-shelf, null" whatever the latter means.


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