Alantiggger said:From all that I had read so far ... and it is quite a bit, there is not much if any difference in WHAT speaker cable you choose to use.....
More difference in the amp and the speakers used.
Yes Alantiggger, I would accept the 'not much differance' view, however, 'not much' is 'not nothing' . . . There can be fairly large differances in cable type, I stress 'differances' not better or worse, the problem is finding the right presentation for your system. My 2 peneth over 'end to end' cable directionality was to squeezing the last once out of the cable, no cost involved, just making the best of what you have, it all got out of hand?
Getting hold of sample cables to try/audition, especialy at the low budget end, now there is a whole new can of worms to open?
If you cant audition, how is an individual to know if they have the right cable for their system? I dont have an answer to that problem, in the past I have simply stomped up the cash, hence a few redundant, unloved cables in my shed. . . . 300 and 500 multi strand works well for some, but as I have said, in my experiance the 'D' word is one of caution and trial when installing?