I need longer speaker cable (budget £5 pm max)

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New member
May 25, 2011
Alantiggger said:
From all that I had read so far ... and it is quite a bit, there is not much if any difference in WHAT speaker cable you choose to use.....

More difference in the amp and the speakers used.

Yes Alantiggger, I would accept the 'not much differance' view, however, 'not much' is 'not nothing' . . . There can be fairly large differances in cable type, I stress 'differances' not better or worse, the problem is finding the right presentation for your system. My 2 peneth over 'end to end' cable directionality was to squeezing the last once out of the cable, no cost involved, just making the best of what you have, it all got out of hand?

Getting hold of sample cables to try/audition, especialy at the low budget end, now there is a whole new can of worms to open?

If you cant audition, how is an individual to know if they have the right cable for their system? I dont have an answer to that problem, in the past I have simply stomped up the cash, hence a few redundant, unloved cables in my shed. . . . 300 and 500 multi strand works well for some, but as I have said, in my experiance the 'D' word is one of caution and trial when installing?



Well-known member
Oct 14, 2007
CJSF said:
Alantiggger said:
From all that I had read so far ... and it is quite a bit, there is not much if any difference in WHAT speaker cable you choose to use.....

More difference in the amp and the speakers used.

Yes Alantiggger, I would accept the 'not much differance' view, however, 'not much' is 'not nothing' . . . There can be fairly large differances in cable type, I stress 'differances' not better or worse, the problem is finding the right presentation for your system. My 2 peneth over 'end to end' cable directionality was to squeezing the last once out of the cable, no cost involved, just making the best of what you have, it all got out of hand?

Getting hold of sample cables to try/audition, especialy at the low budget end, now there is a whole new can of worms to open?

If you cant audition, how is an individual to know if they have the right cable for their system? I dont have an answer to that problem, in the past I have simply stomped up the cash, hence a few redundant, unloved cables in my shed. . . . 300 and 500 multi strand works well for some, but as I have said, in my experiance the 'D' word is one of caution and trial when installing?


Fair enough friend but as can be read on many a forum online there are many people who fall for 'snake-oil' and many that do not.

How do you mean as to how good (paraphrasing) one certain cable 'sounds' with whatever system ?

A copper cable connected to two different systems WILL sound 'different' ? Not a chance ! It's a misnomer.

(from all that I have read so far ... and it IS a lot.)

A lot of people recon that those who have already spent a fortune on the likes of cables ...... go out of their way to SAY how great their expensive cables are ???????? (no offence meant)


New member
May 25, 2011
Alantiggger said:
CJSF said:
Alantiggger said:
From all that I had read so far ... and it is quite a bit, there is not much if any difference in WHAT speaker cable you choose to use.....

More difference in the amp and the speakers used.

Yes Alantiggger, I would accept the 'not much differance' view, however, 'not much' is 'not nothing' . . . There can be fairly large differances in cable type, I stress 'differances' not better or worse, the problem is finding the right presentation for your system. My 2 peneth over 'end to end' cable directionality was to squeezing the last once out of the cable, no cost involved, just making the best of what you have, it all got out of hand?

Getting hold of sample cables to try/audition, especialy at the low budget end, now there is a whole new can of worms to open?

If you cant audition, how is an individual to know if they have the right cable for their system? I dont have an answer to that problem, in the past I have simply stomped up the cash, hence a few redundant, unloved cables in my shed. . . . 300 and 500 multi strand works well for some, but as I have said, in my experiance the 'D' word is one of caution and trial when installing?


Fair enough friend but as can be read on many a forum online there are many people who fall for 'snake-oil' and many that do not.

How do you mean as to how good (paraphrasing) one certain cable 'sounds' with whatever system ?

A copper cable connected to two different systems WILL sound 'different' ? Not a chance ! It's a misnomer.

(from all that I have read so far ... and it IS a lot.)

A lot of people recon that those who have already spent a fortune on the likes of cables ...... go out of their way to SAY how great their expensive cables are ???????? (no offence meant)

Been around hifi since 1965, took it seroiusly mid seventies, I dont hold much store with the notion of 'expensive cable'. However, I do believe cables sound differant, more than believe, I know that there are differances, not necisarily better or worse, but certainly different. My own speaker cable preferance; Linn K20, was decided on around 1980, I have used it ever since in all types and prices of kit. Tried all sorts when I could borrow a sample of the 'expencive stuffs', bought a few at the cheaper end, but K20 (£5pm) is always prefered.

Technicaly, I am not qualified to talk about copper, it makeup etc., but I am highly qualified in the years of practical listening experiance department. Cables do have a signature . . . copper may be 'copper', but there is OF and I have know doubt, all sorts of other concoctions. There are diferent isolation coverings, I even have an interconect of my own design that has a 'hair size, silver coated steal centeral conductor' with PTFE insulation, the total OD of which is 1.2mm, its not expensive but boy, does it sound good, even the plugs are QED nickle plated cheap'os, I have tried the over enginered, gold plated types to no advantage what so ever.

I agree, there is a whole load of (rap talked abought cable and interconects, in my experiance, which is very practical and personal, there seems to be fundimentals . . . Expencive aint always the best value for money, but it gives bragging rights . . . This missnoma can be applied to a lot of hifi in general? People get confused with 'preferance' over 'better, worse, different', or 'it was expensive so must be better'?????????????


the record spot

CJSF said:
:? . . . I draw your attention to the full statement TRS:

CJSF Quote:-

"Mmm? . . . Quote from Wikapidia: "with extraordinary [sic] few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the earth was flat",

Indicating there was a 'flat earth belief befor the third certurary BC' . . . my use of 'flat earth' indicates a state of mind, 'not accepting the truth', the Wikapadia entry rather emphasises this . . .
As one say, you are splitting hairs, the truth is, 'cable directionality exists' . . .".

Read the quote in full . . . indicates a state of mind for both sides of the argument . . . I've heard it, that is the 'fact' I refer to, one also has veriouse friends and collegues over the years, who have heard the simple 'end over end test'. The decenters, generaly do not seem to have tried it, relying on theory, that is unproved 'speculation' . . . ? Some do seem to have vaugly tried it in passing and may be, one or two have been spacific and not heard any change? Draw your conclusions, we are all entitled to our view. To move things on a little; its how that view is arived at seems to be an important point, 'fact or fiction', is truth stranger than fiction?


I've no issue with you having a view, or entitlement to it whatever makes you happy, etc., etc.

I dissent not because I haven't tried it (I might have done when I've been swapping amps around or tidying things up but the music has never been different as a result of doing that), but whatever "gain" is achieved by this kind of thing is outweighed at the drop of a hat by moving your speakers six inches either way, or using better quality recorded sources (or mastered). Those will result in far more readily noticeable gains than faffing around swapping bits of cable around.

Your "truth" is whatever you want it to be, whether that is stranger than fiction for you is probably one for you to determine. I'm comfortable with the choices I've made.


New member
May 25, 2011
the record spot said:
CJSF said:
:? . . . I draw your attention to the full statement TRS:

CJSF Quote:-

"Mmm? . . . Quote from Wikapidia: "with extraordinary [sic] few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the earth was flat",

Indicating there was a 'flat earth belief befor the third certurary BC' . . . my use of 'flat earth' indicates a state of mind, 'not accepting the truth', the Wikapadia entry rather emphasises this . . .
As one say, you are splitting hairs, the truth is, 'cable directionality exists' . . .".

Read the quote in full . . . indicates a state of mind for both sides of the argument . . . I've heard it, that is the 'fact' I refer to, one also has veriouse friends and collegues over the years, who have heard the simple 'end over end test'. The decenters, generaly do not seem to have tried it, relying on theory, that is unproved 'speculation' . . . ? Some do seem to have vaugly tried it in passing and may be, one or two have been spacific and not heard any change? Draw your conclusions, we are all entitled to our view. To move things on a little; its how that view is arived at seems to be an important point, 'fact or fiction', is truth stranger than fiction?


I've no issue with you having a view, or entitlement to it whatever makes you happy, etc., etc.

I dissent not because I haven't tried it (I might have done when I've been swapping amps around or tidying things up but the music has never been different as a result of doing that), but whatever "gain" is achieved by this kind of thing is outweighed at the drop of a hat by moving your speakers six inches either way, or using better quality recorded sources (or mastered). Those will result in far more readily noticeable gains than faffing around swapping bits of cable around.

Your "truth" is whatever you want it to be, whether that is stranger than fiction for you is probably one for you to determine. I'm comfortable with the choices I've made.

That good, you to have your view to which youy are entitled.

Speakers have their corect position in the room, an amp is the individuals choce to prefer, as is music sourse, all selected and positioned to give of their best, if you dont do that, what are we doing on a hifi site in the first place? All I say is, there is an 'extra to ad to the mix' in doing the right thing by cable choice and determinig if the cable is directional? So you can get 101% out of your systen instead of 99% . . . if one is so inclined? We all like to think we get the best from our music dont we?

Its a simple; 'can or cant be bothered'? . . . alternitivly, the better option; 'it does or it dose not matter'?


the record spot

Perhaps CJ, it's just that I don't believe swapping a piece of copper cable around from one end to the other is going to give you the 2%. Steady on the Horlicks mate... :)


New member
May 25, 2011
the record spot said:
Perhaps CJ, it's just that I don't believe swapping a piece of copper cable around from one end to the other is going to give you the 2%. Steady on the Horlicks mate... :)

. . . Hic . .. :dance:


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