Tonestar1 said:
Testing involves taking the cover off putting a meter on and checking if everyting is ok. All they have done is switch it on and play some music through it. That isn't testing. Is that really all one should accept aftfer splashing out 4k on an amp of a lifetime that fails twice on day one.... I dont think so.
There are 2 perspectives here.
From the BS's position, I have already advised that he cancels the order, while he can.
From the dealer's perspective, they have sold an amp that they have been informed keeps cutting out. They bring it back and cannot replicate the fault. If they send it back in apparent working order, they may be left out of pocket, if Yamaha also can't find the fault.
So far, I believe the dealer to have acted in a reasonable manner.
It is the difficulty of the situation that led me to the conclusion that BS should simply cancel the whole thing, before it gets messier.