EB Ricky:
Hi Jules.
I think detailed and analytical with speed was my design goal. As to wether (fink there's an 'h' in there) it's been achieved, let's wait for the WHF review in the august issue. I hope so because if I'm wrong, all that work is down the drain although I have orders for 4 pairs already.
I think the speaker they will use as a reference will be the ATC SCM11. If that's the case, me got me work cut out coz that's one helluva speaker.
Yep the SCM11 is a very special speaker, however I found it just TOO honest and didn't add any sparkle to the music. Timing, details and dynamics are amazing tho. However it retails for 950 nowadays so if your 684quid speakers (inc delivery) can get near then that's a great achievement.
Other references are the B&W 684 and Roksan K2 obviously.
Fingers crossed that it all works out Ricky.