the wooden cheese board from Ikea i see it mounted under the turntables all over the world, but those stands are fine allthough they are in reality wooden beanches(sorry if i wrotte it wrong), it´s like when one had a boombox in the bedroom the speakers if not desatached would be even more closer but each does the better he can with what is available ,
but there is a lot of strange hi-fi assemblings ,like using two speakers to put on top the amplifier, tuner cd player and cassette deck , this person went to the hi-fi shop saying his new Sony cd player jumped a lot (speakers vibration) solution, he got a new table for the cd player and he was happy with it being so easy fixed ,
other uses the speakers ,one to put the records and the other to put the covers, he´s loaded with money and say´s "that´s fine for me" and yet to buy his first cd player this in his bedroom where still he receives his friends but if one enters the living room there he as a macintosh complete system with some JBL (wooden made bought in 2021) and no cd player, but even more surprising is the records playing with a good sound. he uses 2.7 grams as tracking force with a new sumiko cartridge that cost several thousands of €´s.
I know about more odities but it´s not what is discussed here on this topic ,
could be one , diferent ways of assembling and using a hi-fi system ,also results of how they sound,
other as some JBL speakers on stands but one in the midle of the living room and he says that he putted there and notice the sound was perfect so one is by the side of the system other is in the midle of the room between the couch and the smart tv.
I asked him why when i change the balance to the right the lefty speaker works alone , reply :"i conect the cables how i want why should i conect one to the left other to the right with the correct colours , it works exactelly the same", who am i to tell him that is not the same.