MrW said:I've run out of time today, waiting around for the GT50 to come back, plus another delivery, so tomorrow I'll pop into JL at see what they have to see there...
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
professorhat said:Take TV into store and camp out until they offer a replacement...
MrW said:I did something I said I wouldn't do...
I put the TV back on the wall (nowhwere else to store it)
Oddly, the TV needed tuning in, so into the menu and off we go. Oh, hang on, whats this I can see....
Oh yes, it's IR, loads and loads of it....
Worse than when it went away
I give up
To top it all JL have just emailed saying that they want a 2nd company to look at it (which incidentally the engineer from the 1st company slagged off this afternoon) and they will not entertain changing it for a new/different TV.
gel said:Don't worry about what they are saying by email at all, still go in the shop and say what you intended to say. Your TV looks definitely faulty. It looks like a case of image retention/line bleed and even possibly screen burn! It there still marks on the screen when you turn it off? Because that is screen burn.
You definitely need a new TV.
MrW said:@rocketrazor I plan to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion this side of the weekend.
The TV is now under JL's warranty, so Panasonic 'should' be out of the picture. I'm hoping to appeal to JL's better nature, especially when this set replaced a GT30 that couldn't be repaired owing to a shortage of PDP's last September!
How are you getting on with your 'battle'?
I'd have to say that I'm just about ready to bow out on owing another Panasonic Plasma TV, which is a real shame as when they are good they are great, but when they are bad, well, lets leave that for another day eh?!
MrW said:It doesn't appear to show this IR up when it's turned off, so it must just be bad IR
No word from JL what-so-ever today via email, so I'm definitely off to the store tomorrow to see who I can find to bend their ear
Starting to think this would be easier if the damn thing fell off the wall overnight, then it would be covered on the insurance at least!
MrW said:Update:
Dropped into JL today, the place was chaos, so no chance to speak to anyone
I'm now on the phone to them, and I have been asked "what kind of resolution would you like..?"
Apparently, the guy who answered the phone has spoken to the high level team, and they are investigating my case now, and I'll receive a call back by tomorrow morning at the latest.
bigboss said:The difficult bit is, that IR (whatever the amount) is not classed as a fault. In fact, according to John Lewis' T&Cs even screen burn isn't covered. So it's upto JL's goodwill to sort the matter to your satisfaction. Don't forget that IR is temporary & will disappear with time.
MrW said:Well, I received a call from a line manager from JL this afternoon...
After much debate, he has looked at my case and agrees that it would be fruitless to send it to a second agent to look at it as:
1) It costs JL £110 + VAT for them to do this (the first agent has already billed them)
2) He thinks they won't find anything wrong (very odd when he has seen the pictures I have sent)
So, he has worked out a financial settlement for me to consider:
£1399 TV, and he thinks it should last for 6 years, so as it is 14 months old, they will give me £1100 or so for it...