Here we go again.... GT50 with screen burn...

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I've run out of time today, waiting around for the GT50 to come back, plus another delivery, so tomorrow I'll pop into JL at see what they have to see there...

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
MrW said:
I've run out of time today, waiting around for the GT50 to come back, plus another delivery, so tomorrow I'll pop into JL at see what they have to see there...

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

Good luck. Keep us informed. Don't forget you always have the Citizens Advice Bureau, but to be honest I think you will be able to sort it out face to face. Remember line bleed and the engineer who first saw it confirmed it. Moan about how they had your TV for weeks and did nothing. Now you would like it replaced with another one.
I'd vouch for Samsung F8500, mine is working faultlessly & judging by this forum & others, & the engineer, I made the right decision choosing this over the tv or zt, which I initially planned to get. Good luck with JL.
As ever, thanks for all your comments and support.

I've been waiting around all day, for various deliveries, so thought I'd do some research on DSE, as to be honest I wasn't really sure what it was...

Well, having read extensively, and even seen a Youtube video of a Panasonic demo disc I can confirm that the 'thing' that is wrong with my GT50 is DSE!

Well, I'm pretty sure it is anyway!

Clearly, Mr TV Engineer says its NFF, but I'm not sure that anyone else would agree with him, perhaps even a colleague of his.

Off to JL tomorrow armed with everything I can carry!
I did something I said I wouldn't do...

I put the TV back on the wall (nowhwere else to store it)

Oddly, the TV needed tuning in, so into the menu and off we go. Oh, hang on, whats this I can see....

Oh yes, it's IR, loads and loads of it....

Worse than when it went away

I give up

To top it all JL have just emailed saying that they want a 2nd company to look at it (which incidentally the engineer from the 1st company slagged off this afternoon) and they will not entertain changing it for a new/different TV.
professorhat said:
Take TV into store and camp out until they offer a replacement...

I could do, but have no way of transporting a 50" Plasma TV!!

I think it's time for the Sale of Goods act to come into play.....
Don't worry about what they are saying by email at all, still go in the shop and say what you intended to say. Your TV looks definitely faulty. It looks like a case of image retention/line bleed and even possibly screen burn! It there still marks on the screen when you turn it off? Because that is screen burn.

You definitely need a new TV.
MrW said:
I did something I said I wouldn't do...

I put the TV back on the wall (nowhwere else to store it)

Oddly, the TV needed tuning in, so into the menu and off we go. Oh, hang on, whats this I can see....

Oh yes, it's IR, loads and loads of it....

Worse than when it went away

I give up

To top it all JL have just emailed saying that they want a 2nd company to look at it (which incidentally the engineer from the 1st company slagged off this afternoon) and they will not entertain changing it for a new/different TV.

First of all I'm so sorry to hear it's worse since you got it back, I can relate to your frustration oh too well so I know exactly how you feel :wall:

Right now down to your options, first off I would strongly recommend you contact Citizens Advice Consumer advice line here:

This is the official government backed advice service for consumers and is your first port of call for advice, they can guide you through your rights, the sale of goods act and how you should proceed forward. There are certain steps you must take legally in pursuit of any action such as rejecting the TV as being not fit for purpose under the sale of goods act so please give them a call before you get into any more conversation with John Lewis so you know clearly what your options are, a quick call or email to John Lewis to say you won't entertain a second opinion until you have taken legal advice could be a good idea however.

The next thing to say is that I think you will be advised to get that second opinion before you take any further action as I beleive (but I may be wrong) that John Lewis are perfectly entitled to go down this route. If it was me I would be going to your local store for advice asap before you take any further action and vent your frustration with the service you have recieved up to date but I will reiterate that John Lewis have the right under the sale of goods act to attempt to repair the TV before offering another resolution. You may well have to get the second opinion because of this.

In short first of all call the advice line and then go to your local store with a firm idea of the potential to escalate the dispute with John Lewis...I think if you are well prepared, know your rights and have all the information of how the issue has been handled to date then you will get a resolution in store. Make that call and visit the store.
gel said:
Don't worry about what they are saying by email at all, still go in the shop and say what you intended to say. Your TV looks definitely faulty. It looks like a case of image retention/line bleed and even possibly screen burn! It there still marks on the screen when you turn it off? Because that is screen burn.

You definitely need a new TV.

Agreed. From those pics I would say the TV is definitely faulty but it looks like extreme image retention as opposed to burn.
It doesn't appear to show this IR up when it's turned off, so it must just be bad IR

No word from JL what-so-ever today via email, so I'm definitely off to the store tomorrow to see who I can find to bend their ear

Starting to think this would be easier if the damn thing fell off the wall overnight, then it would be covered on the insurance at least!

MrW said:
@rocketrazor I plan to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion this side of the weekend.

The TV is now under JL's warranty, so Panasonic 'should' be out of the picture. I'm hoping to appeal to JL's better nature, especially when this set replaced a GT30 that couldn't be repaired owing to a shortage of PDP's last September!

How are you getting on with your 'battle'?

I'd have to say that I'm just about ready to bow out on owing another Panasonic Plasma TV, which is a real shame as when they are good they are great, but when they are bad, well, lets leave that for another day eh?!

ah, what I meant was that the local repairer that JL sub contract the warranty repair to will probably be the ones contacting panasonic which is where you might get the fob off from

my battle is very much ongoing. Will be updating my thread soon, but to summarize currently in discussion where panasonic about the issue after emailing the MD. If you don't get a great lot of luck with JL you should email the well as I'm sure he would be a little disappointed to receive to gt50 issues in two weeks!
MrW said:
It doesn't appear to show this IR up when it's turned off, so it must just be bad IR

No word from JL what-so-ever today via email, so I'm definitely off to the store tomorrow to see who I can find to bend their ear

Starting to think this would be easier if the damn thing fell off the wall overnight, then it would be covered on the insurance at least!


ah mate, sorry. That looks bad. Does it show when watching tv or on a blank screen only?

if it wasn't there when it went in make sure you mention that as well. For all the good a plasma tv delivers they are a pain in the back side. Glad there going to be honest :wall:
It shows up when watching TV

Lighter backgrounds show it more than dark

There is also a Cartoon Network HD logo in the bottom right hand side of the screen which is refusing to disappear

I am perplexed why the repair agent couldn't see this IR, or just maybe JL told them to ignore it...

remind me of the MD of Panasonic UK's email, I'll start the ball rolling...

I can also see on the horizon...

Dropped into JL today, the place was chaos, so no chance to speak to anyone

I'm now on the phone to them, and I have been asked "what kind of resolution would you like..?"

Apparently, the guy who answered the phone has spoken to the high level team, and they are investigating my case now, and I'll receive a call back by tomorrow morning at the latest.
MrW said:

Dropped into JL today, the place was chaos, so no chance to speak to anyone

I'm now on the phone to them, and I have been asked "what kind of resolution would you like..?"

Apparently, the guy who answered the phone has spoken to the high level team, and they are investigating my case now, and I'll receive a call back by tomorrow morning at the latest.

A pity you didn't get to speak to someone today, but it sounds encouraging. Good luck. Ask for a new replacement TV.
When the guy on the phone asked me I did say that I'd had enough, and the only resolution as I saw it was a replacement TV...

There is some hope they will call before 8pm tonight, so it might get wrapped up today, we'll see eh?

The children are threatening a riot if we don't have either at least the GT50 or replacement 3D TV by next Saturday, as the Dr Who 50th Anniversary is on.

(Incidentally, I had an email from JL today which was quite curt and was mainly a copy and paste job of the last email they sent me, which I pointed out on the phone earlier...)
Just a quick update on my faulty 55vt50, it came back from a screen replacement worse than it went away, still had vertical bands and a horrendous buzzing from the right fan, i rang Richer Sounds Customer Care who said this was not exceptable and offerd me a replacement tv, so i have now got a new 55vt65.

All i can say, is once again Richer Sounds have been EXCELLENT.
The difficult bit is, that IR (whatever the amount) is not classed as a fault. In fact, according to John Lewis' T&Cs even screen burn isn't covered.

So it's upto JL's goodwill to sort the matter to your satisfaction. Don't forget that IR is temporary & will disappear with time.
bigboss said:
The difficult bit is, that IR (whatever the amount) is not classed as a fault. In fact, according to John Lewis' T&Cs even screen burn isn't covered. So it's upto JL's goodwill to sort the matter to your satisfaction. Don't forget that IR is temporary & will disappear with time.

He has got line bleed too, and his screen looks really terrible.
Well, I received a call from a line manager from JL this afternoon...

After much debate, he has looked at my case and agrees that it would be fruitless to send it to a second agent to look at it as:

1) It costs JL £110 + VAT for them to do this (the first agent has already billed them)

2) He thinks they won't find anything wrong (very odd when he has seen the pictures I have sent)

So, he has worked out a financial settlement for me to consider:

£1399 TV, and he thinks it should last for 6 years, so as it is 14 months old, they will give me £1100 or so for it...

MrW said:
Well, I received a call from a line manager from JL this afternoon...

After much debate, he has looked at my case and agrees that it would be fruitless to send it to a second agent to look at it as:

1) It costs JL £110 + VAT for them to do this (the first agent has already billed them)

2) He thinks they won't find anything wrong (very odd when he has seen the pictures I have sent)

So, he has worked out a financial settlement for me to consider:

£1399 TV, and he thinks it should last for 6 years, so as it is 14 months old, they will give me £1100 or so for it...


Interesting offer, I am not sure I would be too pleased though, I was fully expecting like for like. So it is £300 to get out of the mess. :?
Just been looking around at the prices of TVs and I would probably accept it. TVs are now cheaper than they were, you can get Panasonic 50VT65 for £1460, only £360 more - good deal. The Samsung 55 inch £1500, the Sony 55 803 £1150 and another GT60 50 inch £1100. I personally would accept.


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