MrW said:Well, I received a call from a line manager from JL this afternoon...
After much debate, he has looked at my case and agrees that it would be fruitless to send it to a second agent to look at it as:
1) It costs JL £110 + VAT for them to do this (the first agent has already billed them)
2) He thinks they won't find anything wrong (very odd when he has seen the pictures I have sent)
So, he has worked out a financial settlement for me to consider:
£1399 TV, and he thinks it should last for 6 years, so as it is 14 months old, they will give me £1100 or so for it...
It's quite possible that I'll be in your position very soon, as I'm about to get my GT50 replaced or repaired through JL.
And, if they offered me what they've offered you, I'd snatch their hands off.
Take the money, and get yourself one of thoese tvs gel has found great prices for, but leave the plasmas and Panasonics alone.