Gerrardasnails:bretty:Paulthefilmfan:bretty:Ok, 24 hours burn-in, and i'm currently having my third listen.
Igg and the others who recommended these, thank you. They are transformed from when first plugged in. The bass is back. It's full and tight. I'm listening to Meshuggah 'Nothing' again, as I was for the first listen. The depth to the guitars has returned, but not to the point where it's overwhelming any of the brilliant detailed top end that comes through.
To anyone thinking of trying these cables, I would definitely recommend them highly, unless you prefer a bass heavy sound. But if like me, you love detail over huge bass, then don't go spending hundreds on interconnects: Get these and spend the savings on CDs.
Glad you took the advice and i told you they would improve. Sounds like you enjoying them as much as me then, hehe. Probably one of the best bargains out there of the moment and up there with ThatCable, am enjoying my music much more now!
Yep, you were spot on, Paul. Hopefully they'll keep on improving over the next few days.
I'd love to see WHF? review these and see how they stack up against the silly-money cables out there.
How about it, WHF? staffers? Any chance?
This post has a familiar ring to it. I bet the makers of these cables are quaking. Gothams were being sold like hot cakes on the Bay, and then WHF reviewed them and gave a 1 star, the rest is history.
I don't think this would be the same story as the 'Gotham' saga. It seems that the people that have chosen to use these cables, have had pretty expensive interconnects before-hand, and these SHB cables have surpassed them.
If these cables do hold their own against the really expensive cables, it would be great for as many people as possible to find out about them, as they are such a bargain.
So, if Clare, Andrew or any other of the staff members read this, would you do a review? I'd love to see it, i'm willing to buy the interconnect and send it to you, if that would sway you!