Captain Destructo:RCduck7:igglebert:Captain Destructo:
How can a cable make such a difference? Perhaps most budget cables really aren't up to it. Most systems could do with better cables probably. I know, it's depressing.
I know, it really is depressing. Good speaker cables do seem to keep things together more.
tut tut tut... Thats not true, cables can sound different, and expensive quality cables may look the business but that's about it.
I would recommend Anti Cables...
It's a massive solid copper wire so it might not be for everyone as it is not practical to manage the cable.
In my opinion cables should be as neutral as possible, they should only pass the signal as good as possible and not mess with it.
I had Chord Odyssey before and when i tried the Anti Cable i almost instantly made the click in my head, nothing was added, nothing was taken away from the sound.
The Anti Cable does sound "right", musical, emotional and no partiular sound was forced to me.
I don't believe neutrality really exists. Every component, every part stamps it's own signature onto the signal. The right accessories don't add anything, that's impossible, rather they can accentuate to partially correct for deficiency/imbalance further up (or down) the chain.
Without the right accessories, my player and amplifier sound lifeless and flat, but with these cables the sound is moderately dynamic, fast and detailed (believe it or not, I never thought the arcams were capable of it) . Does that mean something is added that wasn't there to begin with? No. This aspect is brought out in partial exclusion to something else (fullness, warmth etc).
Okay there is a limit to what cables can do in this regard, particularly if the source is fundamentally lacking in detail, but I don't think a lot of systems reach the point where the source has nothing more to give.
Ok, maybe that's one way to look at it. Some people like the sound a certain way and try to correct a somewhat mismatch of components with certain cables that have certain characteristics to counter that. Matching components is night and day in audible difference that cables can do. I don't think it is good to try and correct problems with cables. Cables shouldn't mess that much with the signal transfer in my opinion, i like the sound as natural as possible.
Maybe i shouldn't confuse natural with neutral but that's what the anti cable promised and i got. And as said before, such a hard wire cannot be a commercial succes as it is very difficult for most to manage the cable, it's defenitly not practical.
I don't want anyone to convince and buy anti cable but as a tip, try some hard coaxial wire as speaker cable of good quality without the traditional isolation (isolation has negative effects), put it in flexible plastic tube if nessecery so the + and - won't touch each other and keep the cable suspended in the air, not touching the floor or components. If your components allready match with standard speaker cables that weren't designed to sound a certain way you may be pleasently surprised what hard wire can do that is designed for sound transfer.