i just love the look; class*smile* & the fact they are sealed.insider9 said:Great choice. I'm considering getting a pair myself.
i have not got the atc 7,s yet (saving) but hifi pig ,did a good reveiw on the 7 ,and they did mention the 11,s ! . the 11,s are to expensive for me , i would save a little more ( for the 11) but wife said £800 is enough *ok*lindsayt said:Do the £800 ATC SCM 7's sound any better than the £1200 ATC SCM 11's?
stereoman said:The room does not matter at all unless you live in a palace and place in it two small bookshelves.
i know for a Fact, you hear the room,not the speakerMajorFubar said:stereoman said:The room does not matter at all unless you live in a palace and place in it two small bookshelves.
You really couldn't be more wrong.
lindsayt said:Do the £800 ATC SCM 7's sound any better than the £1200 ATC SCM 11's?
lindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
*scratch_one-s_head*???floyd droid62 said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
Avole, YOUR AD HOMINEM ATTACK ON ME IS QUITE NASTY.avole said:Your ears apply to you only lindsay - does the T stand for Trump? - others hear things differently and have different opinions. Get used to it . You can start by standing in front of a mirror every night and repeating "I am not God" until it sinks in 🙂
*scratch_one-s_head*???floyd droid62 said:
So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
100% INCORRECT AVOLE.avole said:So he's belittling them. Childish, really.
I'd say, about the same. £100 or less.lpv said:lindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
appreciate your comment Lindsay.. can you tell what Zensor 3 or Kef Q300 or similar speakers are in your opinion worth please?
lindsayt said:I'd say, about the same. £100 or less.lpv said:lindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
appreciate your comment Lindsay.. can you tell what Zensor 3 or Kef Q300 or similar speakers are in your opinion worth please?
Care to elaborate? I've not heard them yet but read so many good things that some criticism would be good to have a more balanced view. Thankslindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
lindsayt said:I'd say, about the same. £100 or less.lpv said:lindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
appreciate your comment Lindsay.. can you tell what Zensor 3 or Kef Q300 or similar speakers are in your opinion worth please?
lpv said:lindsayt said:I'd say, about the same. £100 or less.lpv said:lindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
appreciate your comment Lindsay.. can you tell what Zensor 3 or Kef Q300 or similar speakers are in your opinion worth please?
ok. how much would you pay for DM10s?
Right now I wouldn't buy them at all with a view to keeping them. I'm already speakered up.lpv said:lindsayt said:I'd say, about the same. £100 or less.lpv said:lindsayt said:So ATC 7's are only worth buying and keeping if you can pick them up for £100 or less.
appreciate your comment Lindsay.. can you tell what Zensor 3 or Kef Q300 or similar speakers are in your opinion worth please?
ok. how much would you pay for DM10s?
i am the OP(expensive mistake);i do appreciate constructive criticism,*smile*;my reason for wanting to try the atc 7,s is my room starts haveing bass booms under 61hz ,so as the atc rolls off at 70hz & being sealed it might work for me,yes they are expensive, Even i am having 2nd thoughts,£810 is a lot of money for me! i am in two minds to get a pair off wharfedale,s( 225) or zensor 3,but as i only have a stereo amp(NEW) at the moment (CXA60) i was hoping the atc,s would sound o.k without bass management or i could buy a AVR & cheaper speakers. I would like to say thank you to everyone for there, opinons & help*smile*lindsayt said:100% INCORRECT AVOLE.avole said:So he's belittling them. Childish, really.
Something that anyone would do if they'd actually done some proper comparative listening tests.
The only person being childish here is you with your ad hominem attacks. Especially when you, apparently don't know what you're talking about when it comes to how good ATC 11's and 7's sound when compared to other properly selected speakers.
You may not like my 100% accurate and honest assessment of these speakers. I can't help that. What you're doing here is shooting the messenger boy. And that simply isn't fair on me.
Also, in the context of thread titled "Expensive mistake" I am trying to prevent someone else from making an expensive mistake. Which is not childish at all.
Petty ad hominem attacks, on the other hand are childish.
floyd droid62 said:... yes they are expensive, Even i am having 2nd thoughts,£810 is a lot of money for me!
floyd droid62 said:*smile* i was thinking as i am getting ps4 .4k telly, blu ray player in the near future ! i will need a AVR, so being cost-effective,i am getting the dali Zensor 3( and join the dali Zensor 3 owners club*drinks*) &, new AVR .Use bass management to the bk monolith(with antimode). for bass issues! thank you for the link*smile*chebby said:floyd droid62 said:... yes they are expensive, Even i am having 2nd thoughts,£810 is a lot of money for me!
,,, these are £215 less.
Try them out and sell them on if you don't get on with them. You'll lose little or nothing compared to buying new.