Emotiva Audio?!?

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Andrew Everard:Take it down a notch, garret3037s - anyone would think you were trying to sell the stuff...

Well his only 3 posts are in this thread. Could it be--shock, horror--that's he's an Emotiva lurker turned poster!
I feel like the top loading CEC cd player look kind of similar to your MHZS...I am wondering how does your player sounds like...do you have any review you can share?

I've replaced all my tubes to new instead of using NOS and still heard some microphonics...actually they are not too bad...anyway...I just put the amp aside for now...

I do want to see more real professional reviews on those products...alot of time, I don't really believe user review...will see...

Consulting Editor...would like to see your review on those product...any plan coming?
Consulting Editor...would like to see your review on those product...any plan coming?

Andrew stated (in another thread) that he has sent Emotiva an e-mail asking if they would be interested in supplying product samples for reviewing. I wait in anticipation of a response (and I hope Andrew keeps us in the loop).
wow...I am anticipate to see the review...

Thanks for the headsup!

I feel like the top loading CEC cd player look kind of similar to your MHZS...I am wondering how does your player sounds like...do you have any review you can share?

There are no really professional in depth reviews but here are some intresting links and comparisons to other cd players...



This link shows some comparisons from differnent brands from a low pricepoint to a high pricepoint..


Also on some forums they rave about it, especially a dutch forum i visit a lot in which they setup an auditioning day with the forum members to compare different sources. They said that it has beaten the Marantz njoe tjoeb (marantz modiefied tube player) and a shanling cd player, there were some more commercially well known cd players to in the test but i can't really remember them. But on the end of the day, the best way is if you can audition one at your own system off coursse. Then again, from my experience you can't go that far wrong with sources compared to speakers and amps when it comes to matching components.

I had the chance to borrow one and could compare it at home before i bought it. Even only for their buid quality and weight they are worth every penny. I have the CD88G model that i choose purely for looks (and it has a top loader) but price/quality the entry level CD33 is not behind their upward models soundwise.

On the other hand i read that some users that had a MHZS player in the past but made an upgrade to something even better, but they refer to 3000£+ stuff from Elektrocompaniet and Musical Fidelity and such!!
You will certainly incur customs charges on importing items of this value.They can be hefty more that just the 17.5% vat
chudleighpaul:You will certainly incur customs charges on importing items of this value.They can be hefty more that just the 17.5% vat
I wonder if that will apply in Australia. They will add the GST of the item if purchased in Australia, except it can be purchased in Australia; so I wonder how that would work...
Andrew, any word form Emotiva as to whether they will provide WHF review samples?
We're just a tiny island to them with the population of a smaller than average American city - I hardly think they're too worried about losing out on a few sales. Either that, or maybe they don't have full confidence in their products for them to be scrutinized by the demading British ear?

(Awaits a call from another company owner
We're just a tiny island to them with the population of a smaller than average American city - I hardly think they're too worried about losing out on a few sales. Either that, or maybe they don't have full confidence in their products for them to be scrutinized by the demading British ear?

That's counting on the fact that they recognise there is a world outside their borders.


(Awaits a call from another company owner


(Awaits a call from another company owner


You can e-mail me if you like, but I best not open that one up again on here
chudleighpaul:You will certainly incur customs charges on importing items of this value.They can be hefty more that just the 17.5% vat
The last time I imported hi-fi direct from a non-EC country manufacturer, HMRC charged me 4% Import Duty, plus of course the VAT. It's no big deal, is it?

FrankHarveyHiFi:...or maybe they don't have full confidence in their products for them to be scrutinized by the demading British ear?
What? You mean like Krell, Mark Levinson, Bryston, and any number of other manufacturers from that side of the pond?
wireman:FrankHarveyHiFi:...or maybe they don't have full confidence in their products for them to be scrutinized by the demading British ear?
What? You mean like Krell, Mark Levinson, Bryston, and any number of other manufacturers from that side of the pond?

Well if a manufacturer has nothing to hide and believes in their products, they won't mind them reviewed in another country will they? They can get more sales and get their name out there. If it's a good product, that can only be a good thing. Although I hardly think the above mentioned manufacturers have anything to worry about.....
I think you're all reading far too much into this. Maybe the company in question gets lots of similar review requests, and isn't familiar with WHFSV.

Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but...
I think with the amount of cometition out there and less people buying this sort of stuff, I think any decent company would jump at the chance to improve sales or get their brand noticed. They have a product at a great price which promises to be good judging by the spec - what do they have to lose?
In view of the controversy over the high-end Lexicon Blu-ray player, maybe we should be applauding Emotiva for producing what looks to be well-specified kit for the money!

In view of the controversy over the high-end Lexicon Blu-ray player, maybe we should be applauding Emotiva for producing what looks to be well-specified kit for the money!

Amen to that, there are far to many company's/people selling air and ripping of customers. I always felt the name "High End" is fat to easely listed and has many traps.
i have the XPA- 2(few months) with b&w N804 and i can say its a very good combination, the amp gives a very neutral sound and serious headroom,

Had before a rotel rb1080 and emotiva does a great job here for there price/performance,

you get lots of bang for the bucks here(you dont have to overpay for brand name, sellers and distributors who takes lots of profit cause you buy direct from company)

This being said im a very satisfied owner of emotiva and going to order UMC1 also
ElectroMan: In view of the controversy over the high-end Lexicon Blu-ray player, maybe we should be applauding Emotiva for producing what looks to be well-specified kit for the money!

To be fair, Lexicon, along with many other companies, have never made their own source component from the ground up - they make AV processors and power amplifiers. They've always based their DVD players on other manufacturers players, it's just that this time they didn't 'do enough'. So let's not tar "high end" with the same brush eh? If people ignored high end they'd be msing out on some amazing products, but that's up to them.

I've always said manufacturers can only do so much for a given budget, and this will apply to Emotiva as well. To me, it looks like it's on par with the likes of Rotel, but I suppose we'll never know if a review sample isn't made available.
There are enough professional reviews to find, you can look them up!!!
ive bought this kinda blind on reviews, but i dont regret it, they can easily rank up mush more expensive amps, maybe if they costed twice the price you gave it another thought,

expensive amps are not always better you now ,

my rotel had costed mush more and i prefer the sound of xpa-2

lost of parts from many brands come from the same factory,
FrankHarveyHiFi: We differ to the Americans though. They need a couple of good British reviews.
Emotiva seem to be quite happy selling direct, without a distribution or retailer network, with all the overhead that would incur. I'm not sure they really care what the British think, when in context we are but a very small minority in the overall world market. What's wrong with the reviews already out there? What's so superior about a British review? Last time I looked, we didn't still have an Empire!


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