Esra said:
I would try again Kef LS 50 with 1 or 2 Rel subwoofers like Rel T-Zero and ad an gutsy amp fitting the Ls50 like Audiolab 8200MB or NAD M22 connected to your valve amp if you want a noticeable upgrade from your Kef R300,as you have a pretty good base.Maybe I would start by just adding a NAD M22 (even if it is not in your budget) and see what changes,as this is the most easiest thing to do before carrying other speakers to your home.You would hear the benefits of a capable amp,which could change your mind now only concentrating on other speakers.
Don´t count out MA up from Silver Range.MA Silver sound wonderfull with valves .Could be a very nice involving sound with your valve and would also sound noticeable different as with your R300.
If you are around Geneva,digistore and avf in switzerland are good places to demo as they offer a broad range.
Kef R-Series work very well in less furnitured and "hard" places,that´s what you call wooly in your beginning post.But it could be just right in your place,they don´t sound very convincing at the shop and sound wooly imo. too especially combined with the usual lesser amps at their price range or a valve which does not combine well .Most other speakers will sound noticeable brighter/crisper than you are used to now.Always demo your favourites at home,as it does sound often completely different to the demo at the shop,which seldom represents your home.
Hi Esra thanks for your post. I have quite a lot to say on what you've said here, in some places I agree, and some I disagree.
Firstly, I spent rather a long time picking the amp I have. I'm not sure how familiar you are with Icon Audio, but the Stereo 60 is considered by most, to be a very "capable amp". Certainly I think it is (which is why i picked it). It certainly doesn't lack for power despite being a tube amp, and given that when testing it could still stand up and be counted when listenning against a horrendously expensive Macintosh SS amp, I think it does pretty well, also seconded by a sound engineer and past hi-fi shop owner friend locally in Rolle.
I must admit i know very little about pre-amping and how likely it is to improve the sound that significantly, but that it's a whole extra step, cost and confusion that at the moment I don't feel I need as yet, but would more likely explore somewhere in the future once this first system is more complete. Adding now a NAD M22 just to see what changes, is of course quite impossible, exactly because it's not in my budget! So far from my experience here, shops will not be keen to let out some equipment of high value just on a whim - largely because they dont often stock it, and would order it in specifically (and therefore I would have to buy it!).
As per my original post somewhere, I did not originally buy the KEF R300 with the intention of using it as a Hi-Fi speaker, though they have been a quite decent stop-gap, I want to finish the journey I started. I bought them for my completely separate home-cinema system (it's a different room infact). So rather than spending a whole lot to improve the KEF R300's which I bought for their ability to punch out movie effects and to match my older KEF speakers - and not so much for their musical ability, I rather swap the R300, and put them into the home cinema where they belong, next to the R200c that hands-down beats its neighbouring KEF 2005 eggs.
In that same sense, I'm not at all struggling for Bass here and I think you misinterpret some of the coments about the bass earlier of the PM1. I don't particularly need more bass than I currently have, infact I run the R300's bass port half-bunged to control their output a little, as they sound bloated in my room otherwise. As such a subwoofer separate seems to me to be completely the wrong way to go about things for the music that I listen to, not to mention annoying my difficult next door neighbour (which is also why I rarely turn on the sub for my projector).
Additionally, KEF LS50's were one of the first speakers I demo'd after reading rave reviews, incidentally that was at Digistore in Geneva. I wasn't so impressed by them, and so bought R300's instead (on another visit)... which I (and the assistant) believed to be better overall speakers. Not least because it's a god sizd living room, and the R300's can fill it far better than the LS50 could that day. So going this route I think though it may be an interesting experiment, would more likely be a very time-consuming one that doesnt quite see the result i'd wish, and one thing is for certain - as for many people - it's difficult to find time to do much of this testing, which is why it's taken so damn long! I have very few available saturdays (none in the next month), and most shops close before i can get to them on ordinary weekdays. Incidentally the PM1's I have been testing against Focals and B&W's etc... are at Digistore in Geneva. It's a very good shop, particularly for a full range of AV equipment - I also bought my projector there. But I do think they aren't particularly suited to my musical tastes in their stock and expertise.
AVF in Preverenges was also one of the first shops I visited, and I was greeted with a very friendly but well disguised (very swiss) sales pitch. He saw me as a young man who at the time didnt know much about what they were buying, and was ready to throw a few thousand on a hi-fi set-up for show. He started by showing me Sonus Faber's plugged into a midrange SS amp, realising that I wouldn't love them, because I would then be "amazed" by the brightness of the focals he plugged in next. "there you go, this is your perfect system" he said with conviction and a glint in his eye "and costs much less than you thought!".
Great....Well he had completely misjudged my ears and musical experience. It would have been completely the wrong system for me, and even though I couldnt pnpoint it then, I knew it. I haven't been back, though I could go now as I am MUCH better armed. But I dont think there's much point as they don't stock any other brands not already available at Digistore or the other shops in the region.
Lastly as with my room, I completely agree with you on everything you say here, perhaps the R-series floorstanders will do better here than in the Digistore showroom. That is exactly why I tested the R300 against the PM1 yesterday at digistore, to see how my speakers will compare directly to the PM1 in that room (thus helping me to guage the overall effect once I would get them home). I did ask to take the PM1's home, but in short the answer was "no" (which I can fully respect and understand). I did also take my R300's along with the amp to another shop once, where I heard Martin Logans, modern tannoy's, some other weird and wonderful's, and then the autograph mini which I fell in love with. Perhaps here the Harbeth's will show their worth particularly in my room, but I can't test that and am pretty stuck with demo-ing at the shops, particularly as we get to anything more rare or expensive.