To the OP. Although mentioning ADM9.1s on here is rather unpopular (mainly as people suspect advocates of the product to be Ashley James himself) I will post my opinion.
Firstly, I agree with Clare, you should seek to listen to any kit you are thinking of buying, if you can. Secondly, my comments below are just MY opinion.
I used to have a fairly expensive separate/passive system, which at the time I really enjoyed. I then moved to an active system (9.1) and I prefer it. So in answer to your original question 'can they be better' - yes they can. However, not everyone will agree and they will also not sound better than every separates system out there. It's best to listen to them if you can, if you think they're better, great, if not, try something else.
I will say, I probably never fully exploited the potential of my old OB1's, as I was running just one amp (I have heard they sound fantastic tri-amped) though this would have cost me a lot more also.
P.S - I find the actives more wife friendly in comparison also, as the system as a whole takes up less of our lounge 🙂