I know there has been lot of discussions on these speakers and also controversies on who is runing the show
, but I do know WHF gave 5 stars to previous version of the same speakers, but from that star ratings it was not clear if ratings were purely given to speakers and it will beat any passive speakers in the same price bracket, or taking into account it has built-in DAC and AMP, so if we go for a traditional setup with AMP, DAC & Speakers costing same amount will ADM still beat it for e.g. a combo of Roksan Kandy, DAC Magic and B&W speakers or similarly price 5 star setup.
Pls. no AVI bashing just require simple and honest answer from those who already own or have demoed the ADMs or WHF editor for clarification on question above related to rating given.
An Active speaker will generally be better than amp/speaker combo for the same price, due to effective cost cutting (no need to waste money on a separate chassis for the amp, speaker cables, etc) and throwing in a DAC means no chassis or cables for a seperate DAC either... and you get the benefit of real bi-amping (instead of bi-wiring as so many in this hobby do)... HOWEVER, there are some real trade-offs: you generally get a reduced feature count (limited inputs, etc...) and you are pretty much stuck with the sound "as is"... so there is no experimenting with different amps to see if they will bring out the best from your speakers...
So if you really like the AVI sound, then I doubt you'll find an amp/speaker/dac combo that compares with it for the same price... but if you don't like the sound or want to be able to upgrade, then you best look elsewhere...
Like most of the other posters, I think you really need to audition as much as possible...
I know there has been lot of discussions on these speakers and also controversies on who is runing the show

Pls. no AVI bashing just require simple and honest answer from those who already own or have demoed the ADMs or WHF editor for clarification on question above related to rating given.
An Active speaker will generally be better than amp/speaker combo for the same price, due to effective cost cutting (no need to waste money on a separate chassis for the amp, speaker cables, etc) and throwing in a DAC means no chassis or cables for a seperate DAC either... and you get the benefit of real bi-amping (instead of bi-wiring as so many in this hobby do)... HOWEVER, there are some real trade-offs: you generally get a reduced feature count (limited inputs, etc...) and you are pretty much stuck with the sound "as is"... so there is no experimenting with different amps to see if they will bring out the best from your speakers...
So if you really like the AVI sound, then I doubt you'll find an amp/speaker/dac combo that compares with it for the same price... but if you don't like the sound or want to be able to upgrade, then you best look elsewhere...
Like most of the other posters, I think you really need to audition as much as possible...