Yes When we moved to our current House about ten years ago the size and layout of the front room was a constraint on the purchase, we ruled out a couple of possible properties on that factor alone, I did get some strange looks from estate agents
I would not have sacrificed things like the children's school or anything over it but it was quite a large factor in the decision, then again so was the size of the kitchen and I would not have been called mad for saying the kitchen did not suit my needs or the dishwasher will not fit, why should I for saying the front room layout was not suitable for my audio/AV system.
And I do listen on Axis, my seat is the centre of the sound system, I'm not going to give the wife or kids a backhander for sitting there or anything like that but for me it is not Hi-Fi without the sound stage that is presented. I still think WE have a visitor friendly space but with a decent Hi-Fi slotted in there -